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Skyrim wont stop freezing on fast travel after an hour of playing


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Hello. For some added info I run roughly 240 mods.....I have ran this many for years now with no issues that I could not work out on my own. I use vortex but can easily install mods with no mod manager I have been using mods since fallout 3. This problem has baffled me and im almost to the point of doing a clean wipe. I am starting new games after adjustments and I have save on fast travel disabled so that is not the culprit. Like so many others I decided to come back to skyrim for another run after a few months. I deleted all my saves updated all my mods including skse and everything that relies upon it. Also My load order never changes when I start a new play. I use LOOT. My game runs great and my pc is top of the line. After an hour of play roughly my game freezes on fast travel and becomes unresponsive. The only thing I did different was get rid of some armor/follower/weapon/house mods to make room for some of the latest mods after updating everything. I will post my load order screenshots.


Ps. I also downloaded this incase it was the skse Save file bloat problem and this mod did fix that issue but the freezing on fast travel is still occurring but now its roughly once every 2 hours. https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/17230


Any help or advice would be most welcome I truly dont want to have to go to ground zero and wipe it all when that may not even solve the core problem.
















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