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Collaborative mod development -- Github?


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I find myself for the first time faced with *gasp* collaboration in the development of my mods. :blink: Not taking on other modders or scripters or anything like that (not yet, anyway...), but taking on a half dozen-ish testers, and rather than letting myself get swamped with e-mails and PMs reporting duplicate bugs I thought it would be wise to turn to my already-existing-but-not-being-used Github account and use their issue tracker (which is clean, simple, elegant...).


Which is easy enough to create an empty "dummy" repository and use just the issue tracker, but since I'm using Github anyway, doesn't it make sense to use Github for revision tracking as well?


Does it? :huh:


I'm not a total stranger to git, but I'm by no means an expert, either; in my working life I'm relegated to using SVN, but I do use git on my personal projects (although those have been sitting idle for a year or so now...). However, how can I maintain a reasonable workflow when the CK and Skyrim all but forces me to work in the Data directory, the exact same place where many of the game's own files reside, as well as the two-three-four-dozen-or-so mods that I've installed? It seems like any time I modify a script I'd be wading through thousands of .psc files to add the revisions I want -- and Talos protect me if I ever dare to add a new one!! :yucky:


I can't be the only one who's looked at using git for Skyrim mod development -- especially among you big collaborative projects. How do you guys have things set up to give yourselves a reasonable workflow, and otherwise make your git-using life not miserable?


For bonus points, is anyone using git while working on multiple projects? How do you do that -- seems like it would almost require a single unified git repository for all of your projects? Or is there some black magic voodoo that lets you keep your respective repositories clean and isolated?


For more bonus points, if you're involved in any of those collaborative projects -- What do you use to collaborate, and what advice can you give to someone who's about to tip their pinky toe into those waters?

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  • 4 months later...
I just replied to http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/682012-how-do-i-store-my-mod-in-revision-control-git-mercurial-cvs-subversion-etc/ - and I would probably write approximately the same thing here, so... I'll just point you there and perhaps get the discussion going in one place. :smile:
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