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1st thing : I accidentally messed up dogmeat REAL bad and saved it too. The plugin I messed it up on is very important. How do I create a brand new, original dotmeat there to replace the messed up dogmeat? Deleting the whole file is out of question.


2nd thing : I was trying to modify one of the downloaded mods to suit my preferences but when I tried to save, it came up with an error message saying:


MASTERFILE : Unable to complete operation due to failure in removing the previous file.


Lil_critters.esp may be locked or read only.


Temp file Lil_critters.tes contains saved data.



"yes to all" will disable all Warnings for this context. (END)


What is the problem with it? I already checked that the file was not hidden or read-only. Unless the file is copyright? I'm not gonna distribute the modified version.

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Well, never ran into you problem about being unable to save, however in your Data folder there is a folder called Backup. In there is backups of every single save you've done, find the most recent one that still works, change the .bak to .esp and overwrite the file in your Data folder. Voila. Restored esp.
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