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Star wars/gate mods


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Im thinking just putitng starwars stuff in is just not right, but perhaps a TC, it would be a good engine for a Total Conversion. Instead of the wastes it can be a planet that you've crashed on, the main quest can be to escape the planet by any means. Factions on the planet can include but are not limited to Empire, Rebellion, Lost Jedi and Sith. You could also throw in some Mandos depending on what era you set it in, i'd make it during the early days of the rebellion myself. Like FO3 limit the use of ships to things you see not use to make coding easier. Replace the brotherhood with Rebels and the Enclave with Imperials. Use the laser effects from laser weapons, just pump the animations up a bit, make the laser beam thicker change the sounds and color for the different sides. It is wholey do-able though im not a moder so don't ask me :P
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Im thinking just putitng starwars stuff in is just not right, but perhaps a TC, it would be a good engine for a Total Conversion.
Ok, so how do you do a Total Conversion without any modding resources? Individual mods have to be created first before they can be used in bigger projects or you can just assume those TCs will always fail because there is simply too much for any one person to do.


If you are a modder and like Star Wars, simply create a standalone mod and set the permissions where other modders can incorporate your mod into a larger mod and it will eventually get there if there is enough interest and effort made. Example: Mandalorian Armor.



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Use the laser effects from laser weapons, just pump the animations up a bit, make the laser beam thicker change the sounds and color for the different sides.


that's a problem, star wars don't use lasers as weapons in the same way we do or Star Trek, the Fallout Laser effects are totally unsuitable for Star Wars modding, with the exception of a very select few weapons, but even then.


be better to simply work with the Projectile weapons instead, Star Wars blasters fire in bolts, and those bolts carve holes in reinforced concrete walls designed to handle a Starship's exhaust the size of grapefruits or a man's torso!


the way a blaster works is this.


a laser beam excites stored Tibana gas, this is why the term laser is used to describe these weapons, but the naming convention is based more on the order of a gunpowder rifle, a gunpowder rifle doesn't fire gunpowder as it's primary role! though gunpowder fouling and such is a side effect, in a sense, the laser is more like the match in a matchlock, or the percussion cap on a percussion pistol.


that reaction is then contained, and compressed into a small bolt, that bolt is then accelerated down the barrel.


When the bolt impacts a target, the enormous amount of heat it carries causes the immediate area around the impact to vapourize almost instantly, this is true vapourization, not the disintegration effect seen in star trek which is NOT vapourization, in fact Star Trek not only uses the term Vapourization in place of Disintigration, but in place of the term "destroyed" even when there are visible remains or debris. :wallbash:


The solid mater becomes a gas which is what vapourization is, nothing else, that gas rapidly expands and the pressure causes an explosion, spraying red hot shrapnel in all directions, the smoke you see in original trilogy blaster fights would be lethal to the touch, due to being extraordinarily hot, and in ANH, at least two characters were killed by just that or the shrapnel on the death star alone, an Imperial officer in the hangar observation room, and a stormtrooper on the chasm upper platform, several stormtroopers were wounded or killed by this effect as well during Han's escape from Docking Bay 94, Han fired at the wall behind the troops intentionally, in effect using his blaster as a grenade launcher.


Stormtrooper armour is tough but it of course has weaknesses and limitations like anything else, the gaps in the armour are highly vulnerable to physical projectiles and weapons, and while the plating has excellent shock absorption (nothing short of a .50 cal would be able to so much as chip it. and even then it's more the force of the round rather than it's penetration that would prove fatal, killing the trooper wearing the armour, but barely putting a dent in the armour itself),


they are limited in that instead of the shock being absorbed by your head, it will be by your neck, that's why the large rocks Ewoks were dropping on the troopers were causing injuries, akin to the neck injuries and even deaths that modern football players have endured when they have a head on collision and while their helmets absorb the impact away from their head, their necks aren't so lucky.


of course with the sheer degree of heat and power that a blaster generates, the plating can at most only provide enough protection to make the difference between incapacitation and outright death.


of course in video games the armour and even unarmoured characters can survive more blaster shots just like they can survive more arrows and bullets and so forth.

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still need some help on converting a .glm mesh to a usable mesh, otherwise we won't be getting sandtroopers anytime soon.
So is this in regards to converting models from Quake mods?


Anyways, you can use MilkShape 3D to import .glm models and then export to a variety of other formats for use in other 3D modeling programs.



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nah it's a model from Jedi Academy/Jedi Knight II, Quake is WAAAY too low poly for pretty much anything besides itself.


thought I tried using Milkshape 3D, it didn't like the file for some reason, but It was several other 3D modeling programs that supposedly had .glm support, did download milkshape but it kindof got lost in the woodwork.


the mesh loads up fine in Milkshape 3D, now not sure what to do...


so many things I need to know


how meshs are seperated/animated

how dismemberment is handled

how many polygons are in power armour like T51B and T45d

Mesh format extention for fallout 3 so I can export it


might it be quicker and easier to just give the .glm file to someone else?


Milkshape says it has 72 bones, 89 surfaces and 4 LODs

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Well, seeing how this site has modders that mostly use Blender or 3ds Max, I'd say at least get it into one of those formats. Blender would be best since Blenderheads usually do not have access to 3ds Max (which is required due to the proprietary format) but 3ds max users can use Blender to export into a format for use with Max.


The bones and animation will not be needed so do not worry about those.


You can get the number of triangles and verts from any NIF file by opening it up in NifSkope and expanding each NiTriStrip/Shape and selecting the NiTriStripsData which reveals the details in the Block Details pane (Num Vertices: 82 and Num Triangles: 124 for example). If it has multiple objects, you will just need to add the corresponding numbers together to get the full stats of the object.







- Num Vertices: 3305

- Num Triangles: 3882


- Num Vertices: 150

- Num Triangles: 168


Total Verts = 3455

Total Tris = 4050


If you import the same object into Blender, convert triangles into quads and remove doubles, you get the following numbers:

- Vertices: 2124

- Faces: 2131


And out of curiosity, I exported the Blend file after those modifications and got the following numbers in the NIF file:



- Num Vertices: 3009

- Num Triangles: 4054


- Num Vertices: 125

- Num Triangles: 176



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I think the hardest part is incorporating the Pipboy into it though.


You could just make it more compact like the clone trooper forearm comms, just make it like a hologram coming off the wrist when you activate it.


As for the change the laser comment, that would only be applicable for composite beams like those of the LAAT/i or disruptors. A disruptor is basically just a standard laser beam graphic and laser critical effect but is an instant kill with disintegration effect having a 100% chance on every shot, btw distruptors are illegal in the Empire and the Republic and tend to be sniper weapons.

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