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What is the point of pre-purchase without any bonus? (dlc2)


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Ummm, I am wondering for these 2 days that without any bonus why Steam provides us the pre-purchase opportunity.

During the weekend I just thought Steam would change the conditions for the pre-purchase after monday, but nothing has changed. T_T


If someone knows something about the merit/intention/purpose of pre-purchase without any bonus, please tell me.

I just missed something which I should know ...


When I pre-purchased Borderlands2 Steam gave us some discount ticket for season pass or something, so I didnt wonder bit a thing on the pre-purchase.

And the pre-purchase for other games but the Dragonborn dlc seems to give any kind of bonus.



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I assumed you could preload the dlc but then I don't see how they would prevent you from using it right away. I don't know why there aren't any bonuses or a small discount.

They know it's going to sell really well so why not give something extra to the fans?


I'm not purchasing it until I can assume it's not going to break my game. I love Bethesda but having read a review of the 360 version which stated it's got some real bugs in it makes me hold on to my money for a while longer.

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You just answered your own question "They know it's going to sell really well". Why give something for nothing when it will sell anyway. A freebie would be to entice you to purchase something that isn't selling well.
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They are expecting very high server loads immediately after release - they are hoping enough people will pre-purchase thinking that will enable them to download early - Then be able to play right away after release. These people may get a working release, and may still have to wait for an update from steam that will allow it to work.


I will wait for the rush to subside, and the early bugs to be revealed before putting up any money on this. :thumbsup:

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Thanks everyone for the information.


@M48A5, guReMcO

Yeah, you have the point. ^ ^

If Beth knows the game will surely be sold well, why they bother to discount or give anything. ^ ^



Yes, I thought the same thing about the pre-loading, still after I purchased the dlc2 (hearth fire seems to be just BYO addon), my Steam didnt download anything like normally buying something in the Steam. So as long as for now I am thinking we just bought the license and downloading the contents will be available on the release day. T_T

Edited by MarianHawk
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It's a bad idea because they want their money quicker and games on day one release now days are bad anyway, Skyrim was one of the worst day one releases on the PC next to Crysis 2. I don't know why PC users bother because we're getting a slightly better XBox360 version anyway.
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