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AddKeyword Not Working?

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So I'm trying to make an effect that adds a keyword to any weapons and armor added to the player's inventory while its active. Here it is:


Scriptname MyScript extends activemagiceffect

Keyword Property SpecialKeyword Auto

Event OnItemAdded(Form AkBaseItem, int aiItemCount, ObjectReference AkItemReference, ObjectReference AkSourceContainer)
If(AkBaseItem As Weapon)||(AkBaseItem As Armor)


When I try to compile it I get:

"AddKeyword is not a function or does not exist"



AkItemReference is an ObjectReference, so shouldn't it work fine? or am I missing something obvious?


I don't really want to have to use an alias to do this


Does anyone know what's going on? Any help would be appreciated.

Edited by HeirOfTheSeptems
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AddKeyword is not a function native to Skyrim. It is, however, added to Papyrus for Fallout 4

Skyrim Papyrus wiki page

Fallout 4 Papyrus wiki page


I do not know if there are any third party script extenders that allow adding keywords via script function. I couldn't find anything within SKSE when looking. I read something about a MESKSEUtils at loverslab that had such a function, but the LL site is currently down at the time of posting and thus I cannot verify.

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Crap.. Is there any way I could Identify the specific pieces of equipment? Formlists only hold base objects, so that wouldn't work, but is there anything like that that I could do? I just need a way to let a perk know which pieces were added during this time.

Edited by HeirOfTheSeptems
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