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C++ F4SE plugin; I need help to make one object move to an other


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Hello everyone,


First thing, I started to learn C++ a month ago only to update one of my mod (https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/37794).


What I want to do is replacing a function that papyrus run very to slowly for me by a custom one directly in a dll plugin.


Basically, the arRef should move to the arTarget's arNodeName bone. Everything is filled in a papyrus script.

This is what i've wrote so far :

namespace WorkingVisibleWeapon_Functions {
void WVWAttachToRefNode(StaticFunctionTag* base, TESObjectREFR* arRef, TESObjectREFR* arTarget, BSFixedString arNodeName) {
if (arRef) {
NiNode* NodeRef1 = arRef->GetObjectRootNode();
NiAVObject* Ref1 = NodeRef1;

NiNode* NodeRef2 = arTarget->GetObjectRootNode();
NiAVObject* Ref2 = NodeRef2->GetObjectByName(&arNodeName);
NiNode* ExtraRef2 = Ref2->GetAsNiNode();

float heading;
float attitude;
float bank;

float x = Ref2->m_worldTransform.pos.x;
float y = Ref2->m_worldTransform.pos.y;
float z = Ref2->m_worldTransform.pos.z;

Ref2->m_worldTransform.rot.GetEulerAngles(&heading, &attitude, &bank);

Ref1->m_worldTransform.pos.x = x;
Ref1->m_worldTransform.pos.y = y;
Ref1->m_worldTransform.pos.z = z;

Ref1->m_worldTransform.rot.SetEulerAngles(heading, attitude, bank);



I can call the function in papyrus but the game crashes when it reach this line : Ref1->m_worldTransform.pos.x = x;
I really don't know how to make the Ref1 (arRef) move to the coordinate of the Ref2(arTarget).
Edited by slevin92
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