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Make me some armour please.


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I would like some one to make me a pice of armour that is kinda dark but not evil with the armour looking like it was made for a huge and bulky worrior. After moths of searching i cant find a pice of armour that suits me.....they have been to small and wimpy looking or too un balanced. I would like some armour for a real tank, please some one make me some tank armour. :wallbash:
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gosh the title of this thread is really pushy... "make me some armor" not something i'd even ever consider responding to with a serious answer... but since that would be detrimental, i seconds the Tda's Armory one, it seems like it would fit your description pretty well. Using please at the end of a command doesnt erase the command aspect.


"Would someone please reccomend me some armor perchance?"

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i agree with armageddon... was writing a counter rant yesterday but stopped myself from pressing reply...

try to be alot more nicer next time you ask for somin is all the advice i want to give you, oh and maybe descibe your wishes a bit more detailed aswell...

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