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corrupt save - crash to desktop


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So I have a corrupt save. Any time I get near Shearpoint (dragon spawn north east of whiterun) I crash to desktop. This happens with any nearby locations, I imagine its anywhere within a certain distance of whatever the problem is. This happens both with fast travel and trying to walk there.


I've tried every fix you can imagine, from disabling all mods, reinstalling skyrim, cleaning the save (which involves plenty of cell respawning and the like) and nothing I do seems to fix the problem. It loads perfectly in older saves.


Any help/advice would be appreciated. I'll include the save if anyone cares enough to look it.


http://www.filefactory.com/file/complete.php/3gf46is92jzv/ (sorry for the crappy download site)


Thanks in advance for any help

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I think you've posted your own solution:

It loads perfectly in older saves.


As far as I know, there is no way to actually fix a corrupt save; you would probably spend more time trying than you would going back to a save that works and replaying. It sounds like you may have already.

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I think you can search 20 times 20 hours for a solution and not find it. I don't mean to be flippant. I, too, have suffered the pain of having to let go of a game---even a couple hours of play can hurt. It does provide a powerful sudden boost to one's ability to remember to make frequent manual saves and backup games. (An effect which, alas, for me, has not been permanent.) I think you'd have a hard time finding anyone on this site that does not feel your pain.
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There is (currently) no way to truly 'clean saves' in Skyrim. The cell reset method just accelerates something the game already does automatically (and it does not produce 'clean saves'). There are ways to 'prevent' papyrus scripts from being permanently attached to a savegame but most script modders are not using them, and once the damage is done, it's irreversible.


For future references, you should avoid overwriting saves, because -that- will cause savegame corruption. Always make new saves and delete old ones when the savegame list starts to clutter.

Edited by ripple
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