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Blog Piece: Nexus plans for stability and infrastructure improvements.


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I haven't used the Nexus sites nearly as much as I had intended to (I'm still running a computer that's just barely beyond having a boiler and a need for coal to make it go) but they have made a difference to me. That's why I bought a one year membership, so I can do my little bit to keep contributing year after year.


Knowing you're putting this much time, thought and effort into it and actively avoiding 'selling out' even to keep things going just confirms why so many people view the Nexus as one of the finest modding sites anywhere on the net.

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I have been using this site for a couple years now. And while I don't post a lot on the forums or give much feedback to authors (always give endorsements tho :D ). I truly appreciate everything about this site from the screenshots, to mods, to authors, and to the owner, who is always giving great insight and dedication towards the users of his website. This is a great blog piece and made me go premium just to help out, and even tho its just a 3 month premium I will most likely go lifetime, as I see myself using this site for years to come ( fallout 4 commmmmee oooonnnn!) Keep up the great work and thank you.



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It's amazing what you're doing, Dark0ne. Keep it up! Sometimes I have problems with the site, (particularly Skyrim Nexus, probably because its so big) but I love it all the same. without it I would have stopped playing skyrim a month after I started! Keep doing what you're doing, because i love the recent changes :)
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I'm new to the nexus (1 year now, Skyrim being my first nexus).

I have never been one to pay money to a site just to get faster dowloads or less ads.

But after reading this, and finding out this wonderfull site is a labor of love, not a business, and more to the point, that your steadfastly planing to remain this way.

I have just went premium, just so I could send you my 65$, as a thanks.

Keep up the great work.


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It's as though I'm reading my own philosophies on the flow of information vs. private interests and monetary constraints. Curiously enough, it traces itself inevitably back to the core human components.


I wish you luck. It's uncommon at best to see a site capable of existing in this state while remaining free of external tampering. Too uncommon.

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'We’re also trying to implement a seamless redirect system incase you choose a file server that isn’t working for whatever reason. If the file server you choose isn’t working, the site will simply try another one until it finds a file server that is working.'


This sounds good! At the moment, from what I can gather, NMM repeatedly tries the same server up to 10 times - which, if it's having trouble, doesn't seem to help. Allowing it to try a different server each time might get around this. Also, the idea of being allowed to select a different server manually even for small downloads might help too. :yes:



'...an error logging system for the Nexus'


This would be great - not least because it would really help you guys! :smile:


The one thing I would be very wary of however would be an 'Report Error' button next to every mod, as I think it would routinely be abused (ie: you'd get people pinging it repeatedly over mods they decided they didn't like, or because the author doesn't respond to them exactly as they wish, or when a site-wide Something unrelated to the mod happens, or simply for giggles). :unsure:



Other than that - keep up the great work!!!! I love being able to post my mods and pictures here, and I have learned so much - thank-you!!! :sweat:

Edited by FastestDogInTheDistrict
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