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Blog Piece: Nexus plans for stability and infrastructure improvements.


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I didn't know this about the Nexus sites. For myself, I have never had a problem with the Nexus, outside of the few, very few, times when I couldn't download a file and a simple log out/in would fix it. The Nexus has and always well be my #1 stop for mods! Keep up the great work guys!
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Having been there done that several times over the years I can totally respect what you are doing. I have always kept my sites away from banner ads, popups, etc. just because customers/users hate them so much. You fore go A TON of money going that route but the integrity of the site should always remain your number priority. It is refreshing to see that I am not the only one with these core values.


What happens 99% of the time is if you have a really popular site like this one and you put up a subscription page or a donation page up the users automatically think, "Wow these guys are raking in the dough." Then they either get huffy when things are not working perfectly or they bad mouth you constantly because they think you are cheating the users somehow. The truth is most of the time everyone behind the scenes dance around like it is a holiday and they were just given the Medal of Honour when a donation or subscription comes in because it is THAT rare.


The internet is expensive and sites like this suck a ton of money from those that manage them and yet (in most cases when you have ppl like you guys running a site) the admins never complain. They just keep their heads down and pray that it will all work out. I applaud you for not taking the corporate sponsor/investor route. This is your child and it would be like giving visitation rights to a complete stranger and eventually you will have no control over what they want to implement.


I gave the Government a ton of money to play around with this year and it is time for them to give it back so once that comes in I will definitely be sending some your way.


You all are an inspiration!



Edited by Eglyntine
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Man, when you guys accomplish server clustering, this site will be pretty much infallible. It's good to know that all the problems I've been experiencing (but didn't know how to report the problem in a meaningful way other than "downloadz rnt wurking plz halp") are being seriously and professionally addressed. I'm glad that this site is as successful as it is, and that instead of becoming complacent from success you guys are working even harder than ever. It's good to know that there are people out there who want to provide a service without monetary motives.
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I have to admit this is the most innovative and technologically advanced mod site every created in the history of mods. The Nexus Manager is revolutionary for the modding community, and it's sad to say that some people have actually never heard of it. With that being said, I am more than happy to be patient for updates and have been since coming here back in 2010. I'm actually going to buy a Nexus subscription soon to help support the site.
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