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Blog Piece: Nexus plans for stability and infrastructure improvements.


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Fu**, I choked up at the business part.

I WANNA WRITE THIS IN CAPS, but I won't out of courtesy.


The shareholder and investor concept, the core of our business model in the west... is a FAILURE.


God Bless you, May the World bless your kind heart for shunning that whole profit centric view of the world.


That view will be our downfall eventually.

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I have been a Nexus member since early last year, and I love your site. After reading your post, I love your site even more, what you and your partners have done is outstanding. Even more so that you have gotten outside help. I am glad to hear that you have a plan that doesn't involve going corporate. Not that I begrudge any site that does that, but I just have more admiration for sites that don't. Thanks again for keeping us in the loop, and I hope this plan results in much fewer server issues for you guys. Edited by RogueNineCH
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As a fairly long-standing premium member I've always admired your "service philosophy" and hope it never changes.


I've only had one occasion to complain about not getting into the site, but when my version of Firefox was updated, the problem was resolved. (Moral - pull out the weeds in one's own flower bed and don't blame the neighbour for them!)


In the same way as monetary contributions can be made to modders, don't you want to organize a server-cluster contribution option? In view of the magnificent return I've had on my "premium membership investment" I, for one, would be more than happy to "cough up some more"!

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yeah sometimes it f**ks up when we try to access the service , but as far as I'm concerned I don't give a damn , nexus is a free service , and it beats and has beaten since a while by far in quality and even reliability most *VERY-NOT-FREE* service out there (you know, these uber-capitalistic kinda services that would sell mom&dad for a few bucks) .


actually each time nexus f**ks up , it reminds me that this whole gigantic stuff is ran by just a hand of dedicated dudes. And that it is the kinda service I would actually pay for.


I'd win to the lottery , I'd gladly send a share to you guys.I been using your service for nearly a decade , *half my life actually*. had priceless gaming times all thanks to the nexus,I cannot thank you guys enough for all this.

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@ gunsynd


If you surf mostly with Opera, then you have more 502-Bad Gateway-Problems with Opera then with the IE, because the 502-Errors are only an temporary issue that is already fixed after you start the IE. But sometimes it simply helpes if you delete your cache after you received a 502-error; mostly because sometimes the error resides in the cache-files in opera.

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You guys rock!

Even though I am already a premium member,, I willl glady donate once you add the button, We can help too. I love your site as I see many others do. I believe we will rally around you because we love the site as much as you do.

Thank you for your teams hard work.


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I have been using Nexus since, I think, 2005, after my wife talked me into playing Oblivion. I found this site through the Oblivion forums and I can say that Nexus is essencial for me to fully enjoy games like Oblivion, Fallout, Skyrim, etc. I also would like to mention that Im a little ashamed at myself. I have never given much thought to what is actually needed to keep a place like this running. Its like water, if you got plentiful, you never give any thought to what a wonderful substance it really is :-D I wish I was a millionaire or the co at Cisco or something and I would give you your servers but alas :-( Hey! there's an idea. Wy dont we all write to companies like Cisco (or Bethesda for that matter) and ask for some help. There must be some companies out there that are capable of an altruistic deed, no?


I will go now and check my wallet for some money and go premium. To Dark0ne and team and all the users and modders that make this my fav site and the countless of hours of enjoyment it have given me, you have my deepest thanks and warmest wishes for the future :-D


Edit: Oh! I also second the idea of an donation button. No really, do it and ill be glad to help


Edited by maxsteiner
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