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Blog Piece: Nexus plans for stability and infrastructure improvements.


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Right on brother. Keep on keeping on. Nexus provides an incredible service, and it's free, but when you stop and think about it, this all costs time and money. Robin has done a great job and sticks to his principles. I hope this post is an eye opener for some people, and increases Premium membership.
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I've always loved the nexus sites. Since looking at the top 5 mods for Morrowind i knew that i had stumbled onto something special. The sites have always been a source of great mods and even greater help from you and other users. Good luck trying to and succeeding in everything you've done, and will do.


Just one problem I've personally encountered over the years and that is that Norton refuses to let me download mod manager :-( if there is a way to fix this then please do but if not i'm sure ill find a way to bypass my security parameters. Best wishes for the future, and thanks for such a great upload/download platform.

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personaly i found that interresting.

i work in a datacenter and often see ingeniors comming out of the in the middle of the night to fix servors issues, i daily (but at night) see what you are talking about from an inside point of view.

the team's dedication is admirable, like japanese says "thank you for your hard work"!

Edited by bleeks333
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@Dark0ne and staff (because I really hope I can get you to see this)


You and the small band of cultists you pray and make ritualistic sacrifices to the Gods of Tech with are amazing, Dark0ne. I feel like it needs to be said that in a world where decent people are becoming few and far between while the selfish, greedy, money-grubbing jerks are fast eclipsing the population, the lot of /YOU/ are all fantastic people and should feel /AWESOME/ about what you're doing! Not just because it's a wonderful concept, or because you're doing a great job, or because you're the rare "good person(s)" of the world. Because you are /ALL OF THOSE THINGS/.


I woke up today, came to the site in search of anything new, and saw this. I think after reading that I'll have a smile on my face for at least a few hours. Thank you all for the hard work you're doing, the time and money you're contributing, and just... thank you for being YOU, people! XD

(small note, sorry for the phrasing fail or two /lolburstoftiredtyping)

Edited by Darkonus
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Thanks for the in-depth post and thanks for the time and effort you put into Nexus.

Being relatively new here and up until now having paid no attention to it, I never knew it was not another corporate run game site. (Well, except that it had no annoying ad policy or obvious agenda's etc, guess I DID know :P )

As soon as I get my first paycheck from my (i hope) new job, I'm buying a lifetime premium membership.

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This is the best central site for mods I have ever seen, and I respect you very much for making this kind of site wihout being centered on money what so ever. I would not even care if you made this into a money cow (though it might be problematic), actually I'd still see you as awesome people. that is my opinion, and I'm sure there's a lot of this site's users who thinks the same
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I am by far no veteran on this site. But I am extremely picky when it comes to the quality of the sites I am using. And have to say that, although, this site isn't too friendly for a new user (pointing at how you search for specific mods with keywords etc..) it has overall quality stamped all over it. Yes sometimes a download wont start, sometimes lags occur. But as an old user of the interwebs I am used to the fact that there aren't any pink fairy with a magic wand that bids anything to my every whim. And know that someone actually have to fix those problems when they occur, and hopefully the person reporting the issue knows better then to say: "omg, omg..."


I admire your perspective of how you would like your site to be operated. And even more encouraging is it that you still have the backbone to stay by that, even though easy cash can be tempting.


Good to know there are still Gamers for Gamers out there... not just another brand slogum to sell more... ;)

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I might haven't had this account for very long, but i can assure you, i have been using your site for quite sometime now. I know from my experience the stability of Nexus isn't bad. In fact, I find more frustration with steam then I ever do with Nexus. I think you guys have been doing a great job all things considered. I have yet seen a consistent problem that would make me consider using a different site. Thank you for all your hard work. Edited by aceventura45
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