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Blog Piece: Nexus plans for stability and infrastructure improvements.


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I've created my first account in 2007 when I was playing Oblivion. I've seen so many awesome things here and downloaded so many mods and pure extensions of games. My 2nd account and the last one, was created after the Fallout 3 game. Since that date, everytime a Bethesda game is out : I log here to see the amazing work of modders/codders/creators. I'll support this awesome Nexus platform. As much as I can.

Thanks for all that work!



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More than anything else, I've appreciated your explanations. Other gaming sites don't even bother, they just tack a "Down for Maintenance" notice on the site's page, if even that, and then oh, hey, the site's back up again. Or they have a status page that says "Planned/Unplanned Maintenance to begin at <time>, estimated to complete by <time>" and then an update "Planned/Unplanned Maintenance completed" with no explanation. Many of us have technical backgrounds, it wouldn't hurt them to follow your example and be willing to share information like this. We're not afraid of technical information. But I suppose when they're focused more on profits and less on serving the people who helped make their sites great...*shrug*


So, thanks for not losing that focus. It makes us feel that much more appreciated.

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Dude, you and your staff have offered us free services and access to mods and authors for 11 years running. Since this is a free site, people should expect some sort of issue now and again. Especially since (I assume) that you all do this in your spare time and that you all have jobs like the rest of us.


I'm a fairly new member to the Nexus (and have been hooked to it). Since you and the others do this for our enjoyment, I simply want to say Thank You! I don't know much about programming or the ins and outs of running a site like this, so I won't pretend to. Personally, I haven't had a single issue with the site or NMM at all. This might be due to the fact that I am a newish member, or this might be because you guys are awesome! I tend to think that it's the latter.


From what I can tell, the dedication and excitement that you all put forth is extremely note-worthy and moreover, very admirable. You don't do this for a profit or for a job, you (all) do it because, as you have stated, you love to do it. Like others have said, I also appreciate your explanations and taking the time to fill us in. With a very unique site like the Nexus that offers what it does, there shouldn't be a single complaint.


You guys are AWESOME and Thank you all for what you do. I'm a veteran gamer, like most of us here, and you have given me the chance to add on to games that I already LOVE with painless ease.


Summery: THANK YOU! You all are AMAZING! NEXUS is AWESOME! Please don't ever change your integrity or goals. Thank you!! (makes lovey face) <3 <3 <3 <3

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Thanks for this explanation. I had not been aware of all the differences in how you manage this site with the emphasis on the mods rather than the adds and stock.


For me Nexus has generally been better than Steam. Steam loads mods very slowly for Skyrim, and can sometimes just loose the ability to display them or check them all together for no apparent reason. This seems to particularly true using the "Library" option on the Steam loader. I have been switching to Nexus versions of mods whenever I can!


Thanks again for your hard work, as well as the details and the down to earth humor in the explanation.

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I've put a lot of money into EA over the last few years, and companies like EA; I've been scorched by the release of Diablo 3. This community is like an oasis in a cost-benefit desert. The amount of content here, the amount of time that people put into creating and maintaining and updating that content, is overwhelming. The people here are doing it for fun, because they love it; and it's good to see that the shepherd tending the flock has the same values.


Gaming has always been a business, but a business that was once for the most part dominated by a sort of "by enthusiasts, for enthusiasts" culture. Over the last few years, it is becoming more clear how polluted that culture can feel when it becomes fine tuned as an industry. Good and bad comes with that when you really break it all down; you want to see people with talent that create incredible content get paid for their work, get rewarded with the time to continue making that content; like any other art or craft, you want them to be able to pay the bills by doing what they love, and you want to personally continue reaping those "wow" moments you have when you use their content.


But when you get waist deep in stockholders, you aren't talking about a culture, a set of people who have any sort of vested interest in the devices they use to make their money. You're talking about people who have vested interest in a modus operandi: I put money in, and get more money out than I put in. There is nothing about buying and selling shares that creates an incentive for any other sort of value judgments. Some traders still buy stock based on what they like, what they want to enable, but as the increase in high frequency trading over the last few years shows, they are a dying breed; and they always were kinda scarce.


I'm not a Marxist, but the simple fact is, there are some things in life that are worth putting more money into than you get back out of. Love can't be privatized OR legislated; all you can do is give people the space to share. It's really nice to see a community still dedicated to keeping the stream that they share along clear and pure. Keep up the good work.

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