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Alternate start: still in Helgen


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Hi !



I'm running skyrim with lasteno's dmg.


I'm trying to add the mod alternate start. I downloaded the 7-Zip file, obtaining a .bsa and .esp file. Those were dragged in the data folder.


Then, i went to drive_c -> users -> Wineskin -> My documents -> My games -> Skyrim where I created a plugins.txt file.


I have tried with the following:



Alternate Start - Live Another Life.esp

Alternate Start - Live Another Life.bsa




Alternate Start - Live Another Life.esp


But I can't seem to make the mod work. I've scrolled around the forum but couldn't find an answer. I've tried with only the .esp file, but no matter what combination I use I always end up with the Helgen intro.


Does anyone have an idea on how to solve this ?

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It's not necessary cracked. There are Wineskin wrappers that will allow Mac users to login into their Steam client (which supports Mac) and buy/download Skyrim (which Mac users normally cannot do). They can then proceed to use the wrapper to run Skyrim under Mac OS.


But as many have stated before, Skyrim runs better under Windows, so Mac users are better off using Bootcamp to set up a Windows OS partition. Far less aggravation. Plus, there is no support here or from Bethesda for modding Skyrim on Mac.

Edited by ripple
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It's not necessary cracked.


There is a reference to a pirated copy of Dawnguard in the first post.

For this reason the user is now banned and the topic is closed.



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