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How to merge ESP? (FO4Edit 4.0.3)


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How to merge ESP??

i know its an old question, but i didn't get the answer.

when i copy a record from ESP A to ESP B, whether i use "copy as override into" or "copy as new record into", always pops up a "Confirm" dialog, it tells me that ESP A will be used as "master", YES or NO.

if i choose NO, nothing will happen and the copy will terminate.

if i choose YES, ESP A will be the "master" for ESP B and cannot be removed!

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If you are merging all of Mod A into Mod B:

1) Load mod B before mod A.

2) Right click Mod A -> "Add Master", select mod B.

3) Right click mod A -> "Inject forms into master", select mod B.

4) Copy as Override* the records from Mod A into Mod B. If copying worldspace/cell records, or copying everything at once, use Deep Copy as Override.

5) Save mod B.


*If there are records in both mods, and you want mod A to win, you would use "Copy as Override (with overwrite), as normal copy as override will skip any records that already exist in the target file.

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Thank you!

here is my solution:

  1. Copy as Override all records from Mod A into Mod B, let FO4Edit use Mod A as "master".
  2. open Mod B with CK, and "Set as Active File".
  3. modify any record from Mod B, the goal is to get CK to save B again.
  4. save Mod B.

now, the unnecessary "master" is gone!


If you are merging all of Mod A into Mod B:

1) Load mod B before mod A.

2) Right click Mod A -> "Add Master", select mod B.

3) Right click mod A -> "Inject forms into master", select mod B.

4) Copy as Override* the records from Mod A into Mod B. If copying worldspace/cell records, or copying everything at once, use Deep Copy as Override.

5) Save mod B.


*If there are records in both mods, and you want mod A to win, you would use "Copy as Override (with overwrite), as normal copy as override will skip any records that already exist in the targe

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I realized there was some issues with my solution ... now my question is How to load mod B before mod A??


If you are merging all of Mod A into Mod B:

1) Load mod B before mod A.

2) Right click Mod A -> "Add Master", select mod B.

3) Right click mod A -> "Inject forms into master", select mod B.

4) Copy as Override* the records from Mod A into Mod B. If copying worldspace/cell records, or copying everything at once, use Deep Copy as Override.

5) Save mod B.


*If there are records in both mods, and you want mod A to win, you would use "Copy as Override (with overwrite), as normal copy as override will skip any records that already exist in the target file.




i found the answer here: https://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/4117210-how-do-i-change-the-load-order-in-fo4edit/

Edited by g2mXagent
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