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Looking for 2 mods: 1 to control summons, 2 to not make the player character the main agro of enemies


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Hi, i want to replay oblivion and make a summoner like character. But I'm looking either for :


- A mod that lets you give basic commands to your summons like: attack target, move to targeted location

-or a summonable creature monster mod that contains set commands (target/move)


Another mod that I'm looking for is one that doesn't make all the focus of the enemies be on the player (i know there's one for skyrim), basically if there's a bandit and a wolf and the player they automatically target the player, but with this mod they might fight among themselves or focus on my summon instead of me.

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In the case of summons that is already the vanilla game behavior except if they have already begun combat with the player (NPCs in the game won't change targets unless the target has died or disappeared, as in the case of a summon timing out). So the trick with summons is to get a jump on them early and then try to allow the summon to strike before you do (if you summon and before the summon starts to attack you attack the NPC then you will be their target until either they die or you die).


If you want NPCs to ignore you use a horse. As long as the NPC can see your horse they won't even know you are there (OK I'm being a bit facetious, but try using a horse and keeping NPCs from attacking the horse ... you will quickly learn to dismount far far away from the enemy NPC).


I have a collection of on touch spells I've created that I use to aid whoever is doing the fighting against the NPC (be it a summon, Legion soldier or just one of the passerby travellers). Some are what you'd expect (healing spells for my ally) but most are offensive spells that either weaken or disable the enemy NPC (and some that actually damage the enemy's health). I've become quite adept at dancing around the fringes of a fight.


A mod I've found useful is SM Combat Hide. If an enemy gets locked onto me then it's just a matter of putting some distance between us, finding something to hide behind and then summon. If I have been successful in hiding the "combat lock" on the player is broken, and because the NPC was already in combat with me my summon will automatically start combat providing the enemy is fairly close by.


The system isn't 100%, but if it was I wouldn't enjoy it. The fun is in getting all the ducks to line up correctly.

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