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Lex's Follower Howto (Warning! Long!)


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Also if you wanna clean out the mistakes to Star Pal Cross then you can also use FOMM.


Simply press Plugin Editor from FOMM and load your mod. Clean out References to SPCross and save under a diffrent name. Try in GECK to see if its cleaned. Always backup your plugin before doing this mate.



Btw thanks Alex for the great guide and for Mika :) Your the man!!

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Hello all. A Question :)


Lex. I have succesfully created a new Companion with your tutorial and help but for some damn unknown reason my NPC always walks around with here gun in her hand.


I mean when you first meet her she has the gun in her hand not like drawn but just attached so when she smokes the gun is in her hand also.


If i recruit her and tell her to say use ranged or melee it corrects but me being a perfectionist would like to solve this, After all first impressions are important.


Any help would be most appreciated.


Ty in Advance,

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In the two Sandbox AI packages, on the Flags tab, there's a checkbox for "Weapons Unequipped", does that do what you want?


Thanks. I've been working on a v2 of the guide over here: http://www.finhosting.fi/~fallout/cgi-bin/...B.pl?board=ar13



Thanks ill try and let you know. I did see them but im unsure if that just un-equipts to the back pack which maybe ok but i really wanted when i first meet her for her gun to be mounted on her back.


Also i have read and used your other guide :) Came across it on a net search. Very good guide.


I also have another question if you dont mind.


My Companion seem to like to steal things from my lockers and from bodies. How do i stop this?


Im really rusty. Last time i modded was NWN2 and Morrowind. Loved Oblivion but was playing WoW at the time and skipped the Editor tbh. Yes Yes my wife was a WoW Widow :(


Thanks In Advance and keep up your excellent guides and mods.



Btw. All i can say to other people stuck with making a companion. Look at Mika, load it in GECK. Look at other NPC and dont expect to do it in a night because theres hell of alot to do.


You will all of a sudden get the Eureka moment when it all comes together like i did thanks to Lex here :)

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  • 3 weeks later...

After printing out the instructions I could follow it quite easily. It can be difficult teaching others without images or being there in person. I know, I have instructed others both online and in person, much preferring in person :)


The only issues I had in the GECK (haven't tried ingame yet) were when editing dialogue anything regarding the Hired Yes/No, Fired Yes/No topics gave me scripting errors which pointed to Line 2 in the script we copied.

I don't see anything wrong, I'm beginning to understand how everything fits together, though I am no scripter.


I'll see how she works ingame first. I didn't get any errors while closing/saving any boxes or the script window, so hopefully she works :D



Edit: I also have the same issue where there is no dialogue option to recruit the companion. Only "I have to go now." I can't just copy over SPC's as she invites herself.

There's a few things not working with this. I mostly get scripting errors regarding the Hired/Fired lines.

Perhaps a quest needs to be set up, like the original followers have. There's also a script in there where all the followers are pooled together. I tried copying/pasting SPC's and changing her name to my NPC's but again it doesn't like the line with Hired in it. (Line 245 or 246).


I think I might just do what someone else said earlier - edit the other companion (Mika) and change her to suit. Surely that's got to work flawlessly with no errors.

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This will be really helpful once I get past the basics on which i am having REAL trouble understanding...i am on the wiki but it says nothing about NPC customisation or what ever...


All i got is the step by step 'create your own Vault'....I want and just want to Know how to create a followertype dude, create his/her appearance, skills, tags, dialog etc! why is it so complicated for us average noob type people? damn i hate being noobish...just cpu programing and scripts are not my Fortay...


Mr. Lex Thankyou for this wounderful info, could you please point me in the right way of getting to know the basics on how to create A follower? I tryed to follew the instructions you laided out here but my GECK is just mumbo jumbo, I really wish they had a guide book/ Readme with these bloody things...I'll worry about where to place them etc... Once i get the train rolling I should be able to pick each step with ease.


Thanks to anyone who could help me and plase contact me for anyhelp would be appreacated!


Thanks alot and hope to hear form the pros!


Luke :thanks:


[email protected]

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ZombieUK, you might want to spend some time learning the GECK before you try a companion. I don't want to discourage you, but setting up a companion is a lot of work, and if you do even one little thing wrong, it won't work correctly.


As an example, I was helping a fellow whose companion wouldn't talk. Turns out he'd added a check to the FollowersHired topic to see if the companion was fired. This is a logical-sounding thing to do, but the fired variable is only set when you fire the companion. If the companion has never been hired, the fired variable is still zero. So he couldn't hire his guy.


To anyone having trouble debugging conversation, I cannot emphasize this enough: use the console, select your follower, and use the console coommand sv, short for ShowVars. This shows what your follower's variables are right now. Then you can compare this to the conditions in your topics.

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