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Reenable cores


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on a tip from someone here i disabled 2 cores of my quadcore processor to see if fallout 3 would run better. but now i cant reenable those 2 cores. i did it via the system configuration app in the control panel how can i fix this? i want my 4 cores back.
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shadowfx78 - Hello!


"on a tip from someone here i disabled 2 cores of my quadcore processor to see if fallout 3 would run better."


Fallout 3 has trouble with multi core computers, mainly with ones that have more than two cores & use hyperthreading.


The symptoms are a distinctive freeze were you are completely locked, sounds normally continue & you have to use task manager to exit.


The fix for it is to reduce how many cores Fallout 3 can use via the FALLOUT.ini


The one you want to change is:


For XP:


My Documents\My Games\Fallout3\


For Vista & Win7:


Documents\My Games\Fallout3


The file you want will be called:




Open the .ini with Notepad & change this line:








& insert this line under it:




Save & close your ini.


That completely fixes the multicore bug & only affects how many cores Fallout 3 uses & nothing else.


"but now i cant reenable those 2 cores. i did it via the system configuration app in the control panel how can i fix this? "


There's no need to actually disable the extra processors to fix the Fallout 3 multicore bug, that would limit everything.


The above mentioned .ini fix is the best solution as it will only affect Fallout 3.


If you used System Configuration to limit your cores all you have to do to fix it is:


1 Open System Configuration (pasting it's name into the search box in the Start menu will bring it up).


2 Select the Boot tab & click on "Advanced Options".


3 In the Advanced Options window make sure the "Number of processors" box is unticked & click OK to close Advanced Options & click OK to close System Configuration.


4 Restart your computer.


Hope this helps!



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shadowfx78 - Hello!


"yeah i went back into the system config and there are only 2 cores listed."


I'm using Win7, what operating sytem are you using?


Is the box next to "Number of processors" ticked?


As long as it's unticked the number of processors below will be greyed out & you will be using all of them.


Hope this helps!



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