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Hearthfire horse problem


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First I bought the black horse from Whiterun stables. He worked just fine until Battle of Whiterun, when the game decided that my horse was parked too close to the level architecture that the game changes to "destroyed by battle" and whaddya know, the horse was "Marked for Delete". In other words, gone forever with no way to get it back. That isn't the problem anymore.


So, I ordered by steward to buy a horse, and she did. He worked just fine for a long time too. Whenever I ride to Icewater Jetty and row to Vokihar, the horse stays put there in the shore and is always patiently waiting for me to get back. But the last time I went to visit the Soul Cairn, and of course I forgot that if you ride any other horse, the last one you had will walk away. So the fact that I rode Arvak in the Soul Cairn meant that my Hearthfire horse got jealous and walked away. I can't order my steward to buy another one, because the horse is still alive somewhere. Somewhere between Northwatch and Ilinalta, walking slower than the tectonic plates move. I could just use the RefID and moveto.player, but my problem is that I don't know the horse's RefID. I still remember the ID for my black horse, 68d74, but that doesn't do me any good because the game permanently deleted that animal from existence. And none of the Elder Scrolls wiki sites list any of the IDs of the horses in Hearthfire.


--- So, could someone with the Lakeview Manor and a horse there go ingame quick, and give me the RefID for the horse there? It most likely is exactly the same as the ID in my game. The ID for the Whiterun black horse is the same for anyone afterall. So I assume that the Hearthfire horses work the same way. I know the ID starts with 030... something, but I can't remember the rest.


Why is it that the console help feature can list all the BaseIDs for every single thing in the game, but there is no option for listing RefIDs? I could probably recognize the ID for my horse if I just searched for horses with the help, and looked for something starting with "030".

Edited by Platinumoxicity
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