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Stat question


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Hi, i have a small question about character stat

everywhere i read it is written that fortify strength > feather cause it gives a bit more carrying capacity


according to wiki: The benefit of running faster due to reduced equipment weight is only available by using Feather, and not Fortify Strength.

So is it really that great?

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Strength benefits more than just carrying capacity. It also affects your blade and blunt effectiveness. Doesn't take all that long to build up your speed, providing you run and don't ride everywhere. Edited by Striker879
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Your Strength still contributes to your Encumbrance when above 100 (Encumbrance use the formula Encumbrance = Strength x 5). Strength above 100 will also still contribute to your total Fatigue (Fatigue = Strength + Agility + Endurance + Willpower). In the vanilla game only Acrobatics and Athletics give you any direct benefit when they are above 100 (they both cap out at 255 ... Athletics above 100 increases your running and walking speed, Acrobatics above 100 will increase the height you can jump).


- Edit - A good page to start from in learning more is Oblivion: Skills. Follow the links for more details on each of the Attibutes and Skills.

Edited by Striker879
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As far as carrying goes (Encumbrance) I find you're better off focusing on Feather effects, it's easier to get higher magnitude of, although since Strength also contributes to melee combat effectiveness, it's better for a wider range of situations. But if you really only care about Encumbrance in a given situation, Feather does more. One idea could be to enchant a ring or necklace with Feather, and only put that on once it's time to haul your loot, and add Strength enchantments on greaves/cuirasses for combat and a little extra Encumbrance.

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