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A question about Animations


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I have been modding a little in Morrowind,Oblivion and Fallout 3 but i have never scripted or changed the default animations of a NPC or Creature. My only question at this time is if its possible to add the Feral Ghouls Combat and idle animations to an NPC Ghoul. Ad if it is possibel how do i do it?
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It´s only a guess, but i could think of a way.

The Combat Animations are grouped for npc and creatures, so you would have to add the feral animations to the npc animations database.

Unpack all animations for character and creatures from the meshes.bsa and add the feral combat attacks to the folder of the npc animations, if their names are the same DON´T Override but rename the feral-anims (otherwise all NPCs would use the ferals anims).

Then you SHOULD be able to create a npc, choose the Animation Tab and uncheck the animations you want to replace by the feral ghouls.

I think you would have to specify that they are actually used somewhere, unfortunately I don´t know where this could be done.


Remember, just a guess ;)

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I have a feeling that since they are from inside Meshes.Bsa they have to be put back in there after i have renamed them . But im not sure how i would be able to do that do that.


Thanks anyway for the help


EDIT: I might be abel to recreate (And change) the original Fallout - Meshes.bsa with the FOMM

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for that just copy the meshes.bsa and use the copy with an extraction tool (like in the utilities FO3-Archive-Utility)

the extracted files will be in the correct folder-hierarchy and you put them into your data folder.


For example you want to to add a new 2HandRifle with the texture of a AutomaticRifle:

extract the .nif data for the AutoRifle from meshes.bsa, you´ll then have a folder structure like


copy the meshes folder to your fallout3/data folder and choose the new "theRifle.nif" as model for your 2HandRifle


silly example, but the procedure for the animation should be very close to that (just didn´t know the folder hierarchy for animation)

Your problem will be telling the GECK to use your new animations as common attack animations without overriding all animations for npcs.

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I have done that and my problem is that Fallout wont accept my new Fallout - Meshes.bsa file. I have no problem loading the file into the G.E.C.K. BUT i dont see ANY meshes at all.


Edit: and yes the files are EXACTLY the same. The animations i copied,renamed and moved to the other file are the only diference


Edit 2: After trying about 15-20 times and ways to get it to work it just wont. i get the sad feeling that Fomm 8,5 wont work to unpack,change,recreate the meshes file because even if i dont change anything and just unpack,recreate it is the same problem over and over


But i still Thank you for the help you have been giving me on the subject GodOfAlcohol

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Fallout wont accept my new Fallout - Meshes.bsa file.

You dont need to use a new .bsa file, just use a copy and extract files.

If you copy the extracted (and modified) folder hierarchy, ! do nothing to the .bsa file in the Fallout/Data folder !, just copy your extracted and modified folders to your /Data

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well thanks for the help.... I finnaly got that part to work. :thanks:


Edit: The only problem i have now is that i cant turn off any of the animations that i have added (or the defult ones). Every animation effects every NPC so i need to be abel to turn them off but every animation is lockt :wallbash: . One problem fixed and another arises :confused:

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