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Hood/Helmet Vision-Obscuring


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Does anyone remember that mod for Oblivion, the one which obscured part of your vision in first-person when you wore a helmet or hood? That was a great immersion mod. If someone could post a link, that'd be great.


My question is, could a modder please make something like this for Skyrim? A HUD overlay which only activates in first person and obscures/blurs part of your vision, where the actual helmet or hood is in the way.


Of course, if this exists, please direct me to it because I'd love something like this for my game.


What do you lot think?


Thank you!

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I'd even settle for something that changes the HUD. There's nothing wrong with the vanilla style, I just don't like the location of the bars.


And I can't use SkyUI, SKSE seems to dislike my system

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I'd actually love a mod like this. So much so in fact that I did some mock up concept art for this idea. The iron helmet one didn't work but that's because I made it too small. It should be much larger, but you get the idea.





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