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Oblivion Walker Achievement Glitch


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I have Skyrim on PC which is though steam and I have done the following Daedric Quests and gotten the following artifacts


Quest Name - Artifact


The Black Star - Azura's Star

Boethiah's Calling - Ebony Mail

A Daedra's Best Friend - The Rueful Axe

Discerning the Transmundane - Oghma Infinium (Have Not Read & Chose a Spell)

Ill Met By Moonlight - Savior's Hide (Sold The Ring of Hircine)

The Cursed Tribe - Volendrung

Pieces of the Past - Mehrunes' Razor (Did Kill Silus Vesuius)

The Whispering Door - Ebony Blade

The Break of Dawn - Dawnbreaker

The House of Horrors - Mace of Molag Bal

The Taste of Death - Ring of Namira

A Night To Remember - Sanguine Rose

The Mind of Madness – Wabbajack

Waking Nightmare - Skull of Corruption


And Finally the next quest I just saved before I return to Peryite Shrine for my reward incase something happens. And Once I do this I would have 15 quests & artifacts in my inventory and no achievement unlocks.


The Only Cure - Spellbreaker

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I will start over again then. Such a hard achievement to get and the only one left I need before Dragonborn comes out.

Well, since you've already done all the legwork I'd say just start a new character and use the console to speed things along. movetoqt <quest ID> is handy for this situation.

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