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[REQz][IDEAz][FOSE] Life support


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This is first off, a massive request, but it is for a modding framework rather than a direct gameplay change.


But the mods that can be made with it involve: survival mods, immersion mods, traps, underwater exploration, space exploration, and various other interesting things.


With the introduction of fose, eventually we will have an enhanced way of modifying FO3 that may allow this to be generally possible.


Unless this is magically possible with the geck, then no this isn't a geck request thread heh.



The general idea is from http://wiki.garrysmod.com/wiki/?title=Life_Support


from the garrysmod-hl2 mod.




To have the ability to set if an area is breathable or not (Ie: hard vacuum, water, oxygen poor, etc would be non breathable without assistance) that effects npcs as well as the pc, possibly even based on race/creature.


To have the ability to set areas that have temperature effects, that effect both npcs and the pc, possibly even based on race/creature.


Better radiation- effects npcs, and the things that happen to them, possibly even based on race/creature.


Changing of responsibility and various map entities to make npcs generally avoid getting into situations like that (ie not walking into air-devoid, 1000000deg temp, radiation-ridden rooms)




Edit: now that I think about it, everything in there except the breathing thing can be done with just the geck..


needs a script that checks if npcs are in radiated areas... then if they're not specific races, apply effects


as to temperature you'd have to devise some hack to determine if an area was a specific temperature, then if its greater or equal or less than an amount, apply function if npc/pc is not specific factors/etc.

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