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Ghosts are using bound weapons only


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I am bothered with the fact, that ghosts drop their weapons when defeated.
I wonder if it is possible for someone to make a mod, so that they only use a bound weapon which will disappear as soon as a ghost is defeated.

I edited the dropped loot/leveled lists so that you just get ectoplasm from them, but I am not good enough to get rid of the 'real' weapons they use, which will be dropped to the ground.

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I agree 100%


Ghosts have always bugged me in that respect- they're ghosts, why can I even loot them in the first place? And weapons, "real" ones? Come on. That said, maybe instead of only having them use bound weapons, I'd prefer their weapons to simply vanish on defeat, but while fighting, they should be the weapon the ghost would have had in real life, only with a visual ghost effect.



I edited the dropped loot/leveled lists so that you just get ectoplasm from them, but I am not good enough to get rid of the 'real' weapons they use, which will be dropped to the ground.


I am very interested in this edit- have you posted it?

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It's a personal edited version of 'Ghost Can't Drop Items You Silly Goose' https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/10485 (.esp version), to fit into my loadorder.

I managed to kill a few ghost some time ago and they had never dropped any weapons. A few savegame hours before the same ghosts had dropped weapons, but I haven't changed anything since than.
So maybe the mod is working right now and there had to be a cell reset or anything like this, I don't know.

I would they to give it a try as it seems to work right now. I installed the mod midgame, on a new game it will maybe work immediately.

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