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gun animations


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I'm currently having a problem with my gun animations on FO3...For some reason when

I try to shoot the guns my character just start to go into this shaking animation same with the NPC's I give weapons too...

It's affecting me in shootout and makes a few of the weapons unuseable...

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rockygohard18 - Hello!


Have you installed any animation replacers?


If you have more than one installed they could be clashing with each other.


If you do have two animation replacers, uninstall them & see if all returns to normal.


If it does, you'll have found the culprit. Check the mod's page to see if there's a patch to allow it to work with the other animation mod.


For instance RH_IronSights has a special patch to allow it to work with Fallout 3 Re-Animated (found in IronSights File section).


If you don't have any obvious animation replacers, it could be two or more weapons mods clashing with each other.


Try uninstalling any weapons mods to see when the glitch stops, that way you can track down the culprit.


Hope this helps!



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