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[LE] Skyrim Scripting, Quest Multi Stage with failure opportunity


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Good Morning/Afternoon/Day/Night/Luck,


TL;DR: I dont know what im doing.


The Question I have is with Scripting a Quest Mod with the ability to give the less aware player the ability to fail a quest by turning in the wrong object. I have a little scripting experience and no modding, I am trying to create a story mod for the game while I wait to find out if I am moving or not (I should have volunteered for the space force)


The Quest:

The Quest is simple - MODBKS - A custom made blacksmith (Took me forever to figure out why he was not selling anything - its a 24 hour clock and not a 2400 :rollingeyes:) Had his hammer stolen by the local kids as a "prank" to teach that boomer a lesson. Now the thief was killed by a monster and when the player finds the body there is a Hammer lying next to it. This hammer is going to be entitled "Roofing Hammer" or "Light Hammer" or the like and when the player picks this object up I want the Quest to advance to Stage 30 where they would turn in the hammer but have a hidden choice to find the real hammer. the player will have two options, the first is to turn the hammer in and get a failure for the wrong quest, the second is to look just 5 ft around and find a hammer called "Heavily Used Blacksmiths Hammer" pushing the quest to stage 60(?) where they will just turn it in.


The Problem:

Right now I don't know how to get the Player to pick up an object lying down to advance the quest, or at least I cant get the script to render correctly. I followed the Creation Kit Tutorial on questing but I don't want the hammer to be in the body. I then want a standard if/or choice, but I think I can handle that (not likely)


Thank you,


Frost, Kiba

One Random Person on the Internet, LLC.

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If your hammers are not already assigned to aliases on your quest, please do so. Then add a script to the aliases of both hammers. Script would be similar to this:


Not tested for function or compilation

ScriptName MODBKS_HammerAliasScript Extends ReferenceAlias
Int Property CurrentStage Auto
{stage quest should currently be in}
Int Property NextStage Auto
{stage quest should advance to}
Quest myQuest
Event OnContainerChanged(ObjectReference akNewContainer, ObjectReference akOldContainer)
  If akNewContainer == Game.GetPlayer() and akOldContainer == NONE  ;added to player inventory from ground, console command or crafted
    myQuest = Self.GetOwningQuest()
    If myQuest.GetStage() == CurrentStage
      ;do any other stuff on the stage fragment script rather than here



The script is purposefully designed to be generic so that it can be used in both instances. Why write two unique scripts when one can do?


As far as giving the player a choice as to which hammer to turn in, that would be handled as dialog choices with conditions that the player has the appropriate hammer. Dialog is not my strong suit, I'll leave that for someone else to explain if needed.

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Thank You for your reply IsharaMeradin,


I'm actually kinda good on Dialogue (or so I believe), for some reason it makes cents to me (but i'm still broke!) [ill stop now]

I also have the Aliases down to a basic understanding, As for player choice in witch hammer I was going to leave that to Object recognition;


player has X item then 01 dialog will appear, player has Y item 02 Dialog will appear, player has X + Y dialog 03 will appear | thats what I was thinking


I will try the Script and let you know how it goes!



Frost, Kiba

The Smaller Fish

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