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Artifacts are boring and replaceable...


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Hello everyone,


I think one of the reasons why everyone goes for 100 enchanting and 100 smithing is that artifact weapons are so replcaeable.

Some are very unique, and I like them. Wabbajack, Dawnbreaker, Mehrune's Razor, or Ebony Mail...

But many can be imitated with dual enchanting perk!


For example,

If you are playing as a warrior with some perk points invested into enchanting, things like Gauldur Amulet is just another junk to go into the cabinet in breezehome.

The maximum effect, if I am correct, is +62 health and +62 stamina.


Also things like Ebony Blade.

I love the concept that the blade gets stronger on betraying friends, but absorb health +30?

I don't think it worth the time it takes to find 10 replaceable characters. (like Sven?)


Or the Mace of Molag Bal.

It is powerful, but still, its not that "special"

All the effects can be imitated using poison, etc.


What's your most boring artifact?

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it's only because levelling those skills is too easy. there's no reason why the godly dragon born at 100 enchanting couldn't make a sweet as artifact of his own. obviously beth had a hard time deciding between relative power and easy-mode skill exp.


though, the dawnguard axe is pretty epic. maybe they just need a nice scripted buff so they have uses instead of just the regular kind of power. or just move all their powers into explosions.

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The dual enchantment perk at 100 enchanting pretty much makes ALL artifacts and enchanted loot useless. I never even bother to enchant weapons because I'm too lazy to keep recharging them but armor enchantments at high levels are insane. You can triple damage with weapons, make yourself almost completely undetectable, grant nigh-immunity to all magic attacks, etc.
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it's only because levelling those skills is too easy. there's no reason why the godly dragon born at 100 enchanting couldn't make a sweet as artifact of his own. obviously beth had a hard time deciding between relative power and easy-mode skill exp.


though, the dawnguard axe is pretty epic. maybe they just need a nice scripted buff so they have uses instead of just the regular kind of power. or just move all their powers into explosions.


Yeah, what I hope is that more artifact weapons / armors have such special effects..

Hanging weapons in weapon rack is cool, but swinging them is better.

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Well the best one in my opinion is the Wabbajack. It's awesome haha. But in relation to your topic I think probably ebony mail or Mehrunes Razor they are pointless really


Really? I think Mehrune's Razor is great when killing dragons at master difficulty.

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