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DANGEROUS INFO re: Fallout3 installation!


What will you do about Fallout 3?  

29 members have voted

  1. 1. Now that you know about the FO3 Problems...

    • I'll just ignore the problems...
    • I'm getting rid of Fallout 3 entirely...
    • I will/would support a class-action suit...
    • I use a Pirated copy (ie: don't care)...
    • No CTD/performance problems...

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Oh go away and female dog somewhere else. If the game was as horrible as you claim, people wouldn't buy it. The fact that they can sell millions of copies means people obviously like it or want it. If you thought Oblivion was so bad, why did you buy Fallout 3? You put yourself in the same position you are decrying others for. Games that sell millions of copies don't do so because they suck. If a game sucks, it will get out that the game sucks, and it won't sell. You make it sound like these companies have a conspiracy to brainwash people into buying garbage.


Unless Bethesda managed to buy off 95% of the reviewer sites in existence, I'm going to have to say you're just trolling.


First, I never said anything to the contrary regarding my purchase of FO3. I am just as responsible as others. And if you aren't aware that developers an dpublishers buy reviews, then you seriously are ignorant of the way the industry works. This was huge industry news in the past two years and has been discussed ad nauseum. Perhaps you didn't notice though.


Games sell MASSIVELY in the first weeks because of hype generated for MONTHS... word of mouth about problems *after* the fact do little to slow sales... even games with TONS of problems sell well initially. Rockstar's GTA 4 has been recently acknowledged as one of the buggiest PC releases in the past 12 months, yet it has sold hundreds and hundreds of thousands of copies.


The things is, we WANT our games. We LOVE our games! We hope, and hope, that it will run well... and when it doesn't there is NOTHING we can do about it. If you buy a game that is poorly coded and crashes a lot, you are simply screwed.


My apologies for my doomcrying, whining, bitching and moaning... but I was sincerely hoping that FO3 would be worlds better than Oblivion (at launch). After lots of patching and minor tweaks anf fixes, Oblivion ran great, but initially it was terrible! I had hopes that FO3 would have been baked to perfection, but unfortunately (for many of us) it was not. There are still numerous problems (only a fraction of which are related to securom) such as Bethesda installing old, outdated code and beta code, which makes our computers unstable.


Obviously the people who are not having trouble negate the people whoa re having trouble. So if one person has no problems with the game, then that means my copy CAN'T be crashing constantly. And further, if it is crashing it's clearly MY fault and not Bethesda's. Have I gotten it right, is that how it works? We place no blame on the company, only the end user? Game developers can do no wrong? Did you realize the software industry is the ONLY retail consumer industry that has a product return rate of less than 1 percent? That's because returning software, according to the industry is ILLEGAL once you've opened it. They therefor have the legal right to produce non-functional products and it's illegal for you to return or re-sell it. Nice.


All I can say, is that I hope when you buy a game that is buggy (through neglect or incompetence), that you are able to find the support, fixes and community help you will need, rather than simply being rebuffed by people for whom the software runs fine.

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There have by far been worse games released on the market, and if your going to buy a game do some research before even buying it. Many problems can often be fixed by simply waiting and having patience. If your a fan of the game and want to test games or be beta testers or just simply get a game when it is first released expect it to have problems because no one is perfect. Even what seems to be the most sound of games and game publishers have bugs and issues. Furthermore, are you trying to say that my NOD32 antivirus AND Norton360 isn't picking up the viruses from the game?


Bethesda is a sound company that has produced games that literally has had millions of buyers and fans, if you don't like something they release and are displeased with one product, why the heck would you buy another? Also, it has come to my attention that despite the bugs and problems of Fallout 3 people who like the game continue to play it, people who love it mod it to their liking to make it even better. There are thousands of people on this site ( a fansite and modsite for fallout and bethesda games). Coming into this community at first glance and creating chaos like this will aggravate people who have spent hours modding and playing the game relentlessly.


There is alot you can do to prevent dissatisfaction from buying games; review it, research how others have responded, remember that IGN reviews are your friend, and simply make sure you want to invest your money in it and keep it.


I review games all the time and are you saying that companies buy my words? No, I believe not - IGN and various companies do make money from putting their words out, but the results are not bought.


Rather than being ignorant and denouncing one side or point of view more than the other, perhaps you should consider that one game is not meant for everyone.


Gamers are investors and consumers at the same time, remember that this is a marketing industry. The same results are seen nationwide with other products.


Figure it this way; if you went to the grocery mart and have been planning to buy some fruit - would you just pick up the orange on the top of the stack? No, you would check to see if the fruit is in your liking (if it is ripe enough, if it isn't rotten, etc.)

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PC games having problems on release is nothing new, and will forever exist, because unlike consoles, you can't test every possible combination of factors that the user will be running the game under. Not only does hardware factor in, but software to. there are infinite possibilities for things that can cause problems with a game on PC, and the only thing unreasonable about them is expecting them to enver exist. And lots of topics about problems does not mean that a huge amount of problems exist, there are often a few key problems, but no one cares enough to research their problem before posting.


Plus, as pointed out, Falluot securom isn't that bad at all. At least it's not the CD always in, three installs non refundable BS.


But hey, if you want to never play fallout, your loss.

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This sounds almost exactly like some of the posts over on Ubisofts forums. I can't remember what form of copy protection they use, but it is similar to Bethesda's. It is supposed to be as trojanish and such, but I have never had any problems whatsoever with either.


I swear, people will complain about anything. Take your preaching somewhere else.


Besides, Oblivion and Fallout 3 are complicated-ass pieces of software. Bethesda goes quite a bit farther than many other companies, such as Ubisoft, in bug-fixes and polishing. Right out-of-the-box the game is pretty good. I never had any problems with Oblivion and I seem to recall Bethesda releasing two patches for it, both of which were under 10 megs in size. That's pretty damn good for software developers! Silent hunter 3 is up to it's fifth or sixth patch at over 50 megs each.


I am not suggesting that whatever is going wrong with your version is your fault. It is probable that Fallout was not coded very well for your setup. However, one problem I see, and can imagine only getting worse in the future, is the general phase-out of PC gaming to console gaming. It is far easier for companies to simply code for consoles rather than for PCs. This is why a lot of titles are only released for consoles or only initially released, such as GTA IV. Whining about how the software business is full of crooks, cheats, and liars will really only make software companies feel less inclined to release for PC.

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Was there ever a game that game out "BUG FREE" ? We not talk about tetris here!


Why think there are patches for all games.

2 Things that make them come out to soon.


Money & players waiting for the game.


Who do you blame?


Wenn it takes too long before the game come out, everybodies complaining too :D


As retired developer i know what it take to write programs.

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lots of topics about problems does not mean that a huge amount of problems exist


Well, I don't think so. If the people have problems they just expose them. I'm one of them :wink:

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FYI, I just checked the version of the .Net Framework redistributable on my Fallout 3 DVD and it is 3.0.4506.30, the exact same version available for download from Microsoft's page (download either the x86 or x64 redist package and check the version). What other proof do you need that the article is bogus?


I'm not saying Fallout 3 is bug free, but then no piece of software is bug free when first released. If a developer couldn't release a program until it was 100% bug free, nothing would ever be released.



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I don't understand. You claimed that Fallout 3 contained trojans. Now, just because you're an individual who has problems like CTD when playing the game, doesn't mean you have to go on to the UNOFFICIAL GAMING FORUMS, and try to scare everyone out of a game just because you cant play it. Rather selfish if you ask me.


Trojan is defined as;

a program that appears desirable but actually contains something harmful; "the contents of a trojan can be a virus or a worm"; "when he downloaded the free game it turned out to be a trojan horse"


I may have a few CTDs, only when I've been playing too long, and I thank CTDs. They tell me its time to get off my ass, and go outside. But.. Saying this will directly harm your computer, eating all your files, bogging up your system.. Is just trolling.


Or the second scenario is;


While having fun searching Google about Fallout 3 gaming mechanics, on the 400th page you come across this link. You're like, "OSHT I GOTTA UNSTAL NOW PLZ" and begin uninstalling the game. The smartest thing to do is post this topic, but asking what the people thought of the information the link displayed.


Or lastly;


You're a troll.

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Follow this link and read what this guy and his computer science engineering department discovered. I have read his post thoroughly and then looked for some tools to inspect my system thoroughly and was able to verify a lot of what he said.


In light of this information I am completely uninstalling Fallout 3 and I am going to attempt to remove all traces that it ever existed. This game is horribly dangerous to your computer and should be classified as spyware, trojan and virus, and I think that filing a class-action suit against Bethesda for releasing such a deliberately malicious piece of software is in order.


If you are having CTD or serious stuttering issues, your computer has been infected and you may have very serious problems with it before long. If Bethesda does not address these issues, then they are willfully and maliciously damaging peoples' computers.


I can't believe I spent $50 to have my computer infected and ruined by a practically unfinished game... why don't companies finish games before they sell them anymore? :(



:wallbash: :down: :sick:


Ho-hum. Let's break this down shall we?


Def: (from Wikipedia.org) - Spyware is computer software that is installed surreptitiously on a personal computer to intercept or take partial control over the user's interaction with the computer, without the user's informed consent.


Def: (from Wikipedia.org) - In the context of computing and software, a Trojan horse, also known as a trojan, is malware that appears to perform a desirable function but in fact performs undisclosed malicious functions. Therefore, a computer worm or virus may be a Trojan horse.


Def: (from Wikipedia.org) - A computer virus is a computer program that can copy itself and infect a computer without permission or knowledge of the user.


It may be that Bethesda's QA department cut a few corners...the dead flying enemy issue certainly springs to mind. However, F3 does not install itself maliciously, has (seriously now) no undisclosed functions, and cannot copy itself or infect other computers.


I personally have played it for over 70 hours now, and have had 1 CTD (my fault, installed FOMM v0.85, and its inbuilt invalidation feature clashed with my validation.txt), and i have had about 4-5 crashes on exit.


Methinks that if people took time and effort to update all their drivers and seriously examine system requirements in the light of their own computing equipment, many of these complaints would evaporate. I personally own 80+ original games and have never had a problem getting a single one of them to run, except in cases such as Oblivion where I have added mods that conflicted or overloaded my system. Hardly the programmer's fault though.


Sorry for the rant, this tendency to cry "Class action lawsuit" when people can't figure something out/are misinformed drives me up the wall.



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