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Can't upgrade some armor to legendary


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There's some armor I can't seem to upgrade to legendary and I don't know why. Alduins Scale Armor stops at flawless, same with Hunting ground's Outfit and Tribunal robes. Though my Black Sacrament has been able to get legendary. It says I'm missing a perk but I have all the perks in smithing and enchanting (excluding soul siphon). Is there something I'm missing or are these just only ment to get up to flawless?
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Well it could just be a problem with the mod itself... (Or require skyre?). but if you really want to know if its possible. you can type in


player.modav smithing 250 (Or any other number that's big)


and try it then. What that does it just makes your smithing level 250 (where vanilla is max is 100) and then it should just default to legendary. but really it would make it so legendary its retarted.


But then after you MUST load a previous save. it messes with your game, and it just sucks having a 200 level of smithing. it does.


But as a test to see if its broken or not is all.


(contact the creator?)

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There's some armor I can't seem to upgrade to legendary and I don't know why. Alduins Scale Armor stops at flawless,


This is a known issue already reported to the mod author. For now, you will need buffs (potions, smithing skill enhancement enchants, etc.) that can raise the smithing skill past 100 to get that armour to legendary quality.

Edited by ripple
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