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How to i mod for my self?


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It doesn't only take patience to mod, you have to have some sort of inspiration to make something the way you want it to be. The tutorials are really the best first step to make, but it helps to have a goal in mind. Start small, and expand on it as you go. These forums and the bethesda forums have a lot of information to utilize if you have problems and what not. Just give it a shot, and be persistent. :biggrin:
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As other have stated, you just need to have patience, self-motivation and tenacity.


Get the tools you'll need. Learn the basics, Apply what you've learned, Create something easy to do. Import to game.

Soon enough, you'll get the sense of self-satisfaction and drive you to make more complex ones. You level up in the process.

Edited by hardarg
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In my case I started by building my own player home. I was never completely satisfied with the homes in the game, I knew what kind of home I wanted, so I built it. That gave me an easy project with a clear goal, and by the time I was done I was a lot better with the Creation Kit. There are also several good tutorials on YouTube for building player homes.


Modding, I'm learning, is a journey of a 1000 miles, but you need to start with the first step. Pick a direction, take a step, and don't look back.

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All that's written above here is true!


My self? I study at the local university for Information Processing (computer stuff) and I'm wanting to become a game developer someday.

Modding is a good way to get a good sense of how games are composed and it's fun as well! *Dreams of being a level designer...*


Aaaany way! A week before today I had done no Skyrim modding (and no real game modding to be honest).

I had this idea of making my current player character into a follower so that I could take her with me with all my old and future characters.

About 6-8 hours later.. Boom! I was ready. Showed her to my friends and they wanted to have her as their follower too so I started making her into a standalone format,

which did take a couple of days to accomplish.

(My first mod: My very own custom follower!)


I had gained some knowledge of how the Creation Kit works and I wanted to do more.. I wanted to make that Player Home of my dreams. The one that Bethesda "forgot" to add in the game.

I started by watching the Official Bethesda tutorials on youtube (This one:


After watching the videos, I started working. I've been working with the house for.. I think it's 6th day now? It's looking pretty good but I've had to re-visit most of the videos for more tips and tricks.

(My second mod, which is still a work in progress, is looking good so far: Link to the WIP forum thread)

Edited by Sdesser
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