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so ive been having this problem wer i have missing meshes for some weapons from the mod RH ironsights... the johnny gun and the revolver rifle to be exact! i seem to have a missing mesh on the battle rifle but im not sure if its from RH... i tried reinstall/ update nothing helped! this would be ok if these weopons wer rare but the revolver rifle and the johnny gun are very common among raiders so wen ever i fight raiders ai see a whole lot of annoying exclamation marks everywer and it just pisses me off!!! PLZ HELP ME!!! ps: i think the battle rifle might be from project genesis coz the npcs ther r the only ones i found using that gun! PLEASE HELP ME!!!!!!!!!
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Did I mention I'm using the paradox ignition present the mergers version of it... Also I followed gophers tutorial on YouTube very carefully! I don't know what it is.... Oh and gopher also used nmm to install the mod...
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Also may someone tell me from wich mod is that battle rifle...

Take the weapon out in game in a clean area, discard the weapon so it lays out on the ground, hit the tidle key and click on the weapon, in the screens window...at the top, you will see it's Form ID #.


Write that number down, and the type GBO and hit enter key, again write this number down. close the game , run fo3edit, in the form ID box above, type in that information 1 number at a time and hit enter.


this will take you dirctly to where it is standing in game, if it is default as in fallout3.esm? then bellow, there is a reference tab, there, you will see all the mods that currently use that weapon, and the hunt begins, narrow down which mod is missing what mesh file.


If none are? the nyou do have a bad mod installed.



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According to the description page for RH Ironsights, the two weapons are from that mod. However, nowhere on that page does it say you can install the mod with Nexus Mod Manager. The options given for installation are FOMM or manual install. It would appear you did not install the mod correctly.
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