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(How to property uninstall Skyrim)Right Hand Heavy attack and spell casting delay


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As the title, delay happen when I attempt heavy attack or casting spell with right hand (no delay for left hand). If there is enemy around, I'm not able to perform heavy attack or casting spell anymore with right hand. I try to uninstall Skyrim and reinstall it, but this problem still remind???? I just can't understand a bug probably cause by mod and once I reinstall the origin without any mod, this bug still exist???? This will never happen in other game but Skyrim. And I think this only lead to one thing. I didn't complete uninstall it, something bad still reminded.


This what I did to uninstall (and noticed that my Skyrim is not steam version):


I deleted the origin folder (contain TESV and launcher)

I deleted the Skyrim save folder (contain the skyrim.ini and skyrimPer.ini)

I deleted the mod folder in MOD Organizer

I deleted the overwritten folder in MOD Organizer

I delete the Registry key with Registry editor at path: Computer\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\Bethesda Softworks. And then deleted Skyrim folder. (noticed that there were still some Skyrim related folder when I used "Ctri F" with "skyrim" key word, I don't know if I need to delete them because last time I manually cleared the registry caused my PC dead)


And also when I restarted a new game, I didn't use the MO, I used the TESV itself without loading any mod.


I also want to know why some bug (not in origin, cause by mod) will still appear even if you reinstall origin and restart a new game (without mod). This sounds like a big mystery for me.... How Skyrim stored its data????


And Thank you very much for the help.

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