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BOSS - cannot DL Masterlist.txt - need your help!


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Hi, sadly BOSS is currently unable to update the masterlist.txt from google source. The DL just don't start and if you try to DL the list manually is doesn't work as well.


So, can someone post here an relatively up to date list for me? Thank you very much!!!



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i'm guessing it's related to my problem as well. BOSS isn't working at all for me now. it tries to run but just hangs. eventually the log states that out of the 234 mods i have, it only Recognizes 1. the Skyrim.esm lol.

wft? it was working fine just a few hours ago (like 13). things that i did recently that were out of the ordinary:

i turned down the NMM update to v40.1. i like to wait a few days.

copied a backup of the entire NMM (Games and Programs) because i was gonna clean in there

and i added like 5 mods today

that's all i can think of . i'm guessing it's a problem on BOSS' end? i checked for updated boss. were none

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The problem is with boss, if you check your masterlist you can see the error message.

Give it some time ;)


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<D:error xmlns:D="DAV:" xmlns:m="http://apache.org/dav/xmlns" xmlns:C="svn:">
<m:human-readable errcode="135006">
Temporarily unavailable

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Im having this problem too, however when I try to manually get it, I get a google error, or a Master list that reports an error inside it and NO mods listed.


In case anyone is interested, this is what I see in the Masterlist on the website directly


<D:error xmlns:D="DAV:" xmlns:m="http://apache.org/dav/xmlns" xmlns:C="svn:">


<m:human-readable errcode="135006">

Temporarily unavailable



Edited by LenaMarie
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I also am having this problem, and posted in another section: http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/646798-wrye-and-boss-problem/page__p__5100059__hl__boss+not+recognizing+mods__fromsearch__1#entry5100059

Everything was working fine for me last night and woke up to BOSS not working, and thought it was all my fault. I'm a bit relieved to know others are having this problem as well though and hopefully will be resolved soon.


Should I just leave Skyrim and not install any new mods until the problem with BOSS is resolved? Unless I know how to sort my own mods, which I really do not, do you all think its best to just leave well enough alone until this all gets resolved? I just don't want to risk my game becoming unstable after a month of trial-and-error. Now that I have BOSS and Wrye Bash to help me keep my game better stabilized while running all these great mods I am a bit worried about adding anything else new.

Edited by synfuldrummer
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