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TES V as a MMO........


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Has anyone here heard of the Oblivion Reborn mod? I got it from filefront but never actually installed it. It is supposed to enable people to create private servers and, if you know the ip, to join them and play TESIV as a small multi, if you so choose. I believe that if TESV had a similar system to this already integrated in, it would be an excellent single player AND multiplayer if you so chose to go online. I believe someone mentioned too many "party dependant quests", if Bethesda so chose to incorporate an optional multiplayer mode in the game I don't think they would make very many quests PARTY DEPENDANT, however they may make a lot that are easier or more enjoyable if you HAVE a party, that's just my thoughts based on Bethesda's quests, not many seem all that group oriented. If *I* were to convert all of Oblivion into an MMO or add a multiplier option that influenced all the quests only a handful of quests stick out in my mind that would require a party, the Necromancer's Amulet (or whatever MG quest takes place near Silorn), the thieves guild quest where you have to steal Hrormir's Icestaff from the Imperial Palace, you could change it so that instead of invisible thieves guild member's stealing the other items your party members would have to, and some others. As for more Party Helped quests, simply delete all those who fight by your side in any quest and have room for your party to help. Thats really all I can see being that party related. I personally LOVE Oblivion in it's single player immersion state and definitely would HATE to see TESV become a mmo, but I would LOVE to see it have an option for small servers, or even larger ones, say, 1-60 people? But as for mmo: NO NO NO NO NO NO, and a thousand more times NO!
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Yeah, I know that some of you have played a MMO, I have too.


When I was playing morrowind, my friend started to play WoW. None of os had playd a mmo before, although he played diablo on battlenet. When I heard him talk of it, I thougt it sounded cool and downloaded a trial version. I HATED IT!!!! The whole auto-attack system just suck, and in the TES-games, all races could be any classes you want to, and even create a hole new and you can use any weapon and armor that you find. It felt like it was your own path that count! Not so in WoW, everyone allways seems to have been doing, what you was about to do.


Then I quitted WoW, and we then played a Final Fantasy online game. Lame grahics, no cool quest,

and ugly weapons and armor. Felt "empty" like WoW.


Some months later, I was over by his house, and he showed me another mmo, I think it was Guild Wars. When I saw it, I felt like it was no different than the other mmo games that I have read about.

all of them was rip-off from each other. And I continued playing Morrowind.


When playing morrowind and later oblivion, I saw that the TES-games, looked a little like the mmo games. Open world, lots of people, and gathering items by loot or quests. But the TES games felt more like I was the impertant person. I was the one slaying vampires, killing daedra, and finding these unique artifacts, that were only heard of in legends. But I realised, that with all these cool "achievements", there was very little in getting them. belive me, finding these cool items of the TES-universe, is one of the most fun and coolest things that i have been doing, in ANY games. But what then? NO ONE would notice the huge daedric sword that I just found. NO ONE would see me on my walk through the cities, and be thinking DAMN, that is one badass there!


Think of this one here. In the mmo games out there, you allways see a newb be asking "wow, can you tell me how to get that huge axe?" or "hey, were are these bandits that have those items I need to get?" or somthing like that, and you will see this kinda people in EVERY MMO! and when you told them where to go, you just turn back to your quest, until the next sucker turns up.

If it was in the TES universe, you will also see this kinda people, but hey! what about tricking the guy? Tell him that he needs to go to (lets say a cave west of Skingrad) to get the daedric sword or something like that. When he gets to the place, you told him there's a cave but you was lying to him! and before he turnd up, you and 2 other friends were waiting at the place that you told him to go, and when you see him you start to attack him, and take his gold or something valuable!

Or, maybe you told him the truth (lets say that ther's really IS a cave west of skingrad) and the sword lies within it. Then your friends and you, are waiting outside the exit of the cave, atfer he enteris it (without him knownihg that you followed him). When he come out of the cave, you tell him to handle the sword to you, otherwise you will kill him AND take his sword and his gold.


If the game were like that, I don't thinj that these newbs would ask you about getting stuff, because that would be risky. And if the bethesda is starting to create a mmo, they HAVE! to make all players killable (without asking to go PvP). Not only would it be for the first time in any mmo game that all players are killable, but you would never be able to predict what is going to happen when you log on. You could take a group of 4-5 people, maybe from your Real Life Guild, to walk on the road between Chorrol and the Imperial City from 2pm - 4pm, to rob every player that comes across every night.

And if you later log on another of your characters, you will maybe here a boy whining about how he got robbed on the Chorrol - IC road, for the third time. That way you would get REAL REPUTATION!


I just think that EVERY MMORPG SUCK! They are all the same, and I tell you, the only game that would BLAST the other games far away, would ONLY be from the universe of The ElderScrolls.


It has easely TAKEN the title of best singleplayer rpg for years. Now it needs to TAKE the title, of the best MMO.

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I respectfully disagree. While you may enjoy robbing everyone along that road you have to realize that you would never reach the point where you would have anything. Other players would rule roads with gangs of their friends as a noob, you would never be able to go anywhere, own anything or even leave the place you start the game at. People get a little weird in MMO's like the guy who hacked into WOW and stole a high ranking sword from a high level player and sold it for $50 on e-bay. If people will do things like that, and the game were designed as you suggested, I don't think any one who came to the game after a few months of it's release would stand a chance of doing anything other that talking to other trapped noobs.


There are plenty of MMo's out there, I hope Bethesda considers their loyal fan base and lets the MMO's worry about theirs.

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i think it would be terrable but also bad for number 5 to be internet play because internet play games cannot be modified at all really. people who do not have a good internet connection would be left out and it would cost around 12 pound a month just to play it. but it may be good because you are not on your own. i think they should maybe make two versions then on the disk, one for internet and one for no internet. but like recently i have been trying to install warhammer online for a freind and i have tryed for several days now and i have been unable to get it working completly, it just stops working when it starts to load and you have to download a gigantic patch of over 300mb just to get it working, so internet play is just a rip off i say and can and will distroy games.


and have you seen the grathics of internetplay games, it look like them from a saga from the 90's and i want grathics to look beautiful and some peace is good in games, also onn internet play games you can be bullied, staked, robbed, swamped by viruses and many other things so i say...



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To put it bluntly not everyone hs high-speed internet, some people enjoy single-player games because of the annoying jerks tht have to kill you and take evrything from you. I like MMO's personally cause i am that jerk, but you have to look at things from the other point of view, when i get tired of pillaging noobs for hours, i can go to my own little world of oblivion, run around and not worry about the person who could kill me and take everything i have...........


My point being is there is always someone else who can school you.


Making Elderscrolls a mmo, would be finacially stupid, if bethsada wanted to make money off of elderscrolls, they would create the software to create mods, ( good mods, not the construction set,) licenses it and charge for the software, they could even go as far as licensing mods and limiting there availability, and charging for those mods, on a more grand scale, It would be a good source of money to devote a department to modding the next elderscrolls game, and not dogging out of it the year after its release.




To make an offshoot mmo would be a good idea, but to make the next elderscrolls an mmo would be bethsada commiting suicide to the elderscrolls franchise.

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Oh, the humanity!


No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No.


Just no.


If you honestly think it should be, you have a seriously retarded mental problem or something.

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It's a interesting idea, but I feel that my Oblivion game that I customized for me, will have strangers running around in it ruining the experience for me. I'm selfish "It's my game, and I don't want to share". If I had control on who I allowed in my game, that I would go for. Also I can't afford all those extra charges to play a game. I don't have Mommy and Daddy to give me money.


You know what MMO stands for? More Money Online... huh!


Get a Companion if you're that lonely in Oblivion.

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while multi-player has its following and I delve into it on occassion,Oblivion for me gives me a change to make as I want it be,through mods.Thats one thing that an on-line game can never give you.I enjoy Oblivion as is as I enjoyed Morrowind for what it was. My guess is Bethesda knows they have a winner in an RPG,designed to be what it is,a single player game!
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