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tales of lycanthropy help plz


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ok so all night ive been trying to get mods working for my pc because if i start it with skse it lets me click continue game and then it loads for a few then it crashes out so i started disabling mods which i only have skui or whatever and tales of lycanthropy and the menu thing for tales of lycanthropy so i disabbled both of those besides skui and it worked perfectly fine so how would i get tales of lycanthropy to work exactly? and i have skse version 1.6.6 any help would be much appreciated thanks.
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ok so all night ive been trying to get mods working for my pc because if i start it with skse it lets me click continue game and then it loads for a few then it crashes out so i started disabling mods which i only have skui or whatever and tales of lycanthropy and the menu thing for tales of lycanthropy so i disabbled both of those besides skui and it worked perfectly fine so how would i get tales of lycanthropy to work exactly? and i have skse version 1.6.6 any help would be much appreciated thanks.



From my experience, those CTDs are related to the mod order you are using now, is different from what the saved game expects. for ToL, load order should be the Core first, and the SKSE thingy after. also, if you disable all mods, save the game and enable them again, probably the CTDs will cease.

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