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Adding items to leveled lists via scripts


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Yo, I've had a couple of mods I've created that I have meant to add to leveled lists via script so it doesn't conflict with other mods but have been unable to because for whatever reason I don't understand scripting at all so I was wondering if any of ya'll fine people could please teach me in like a really dumbed down way how do I do it or can assist me with that, peace.

Edited by MikhailPetrenko
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Here is an example. Create a quest called MyWeaponsModQuest and check the box to have it enabled at startup. Then create the following script, check the box to make it a quest script, and in MyWeaponsModQuest change the quest to be this script. This will add a custom weapon with the editor ID of MyWeaponID1 to the two form lists shown in the script (basically the two holdout weapon form lists).



scn MyWeaponsModQuestScript

int MyWeapModStartupDone

begin GameMode
if MyWeapModStartupDone != 1
AddFormToFormList NVHoldoutWeapons MyWeaponID1
AddFormToFormList NVImprovedHoldoutWeapons MyWeaponID1


set MyWeapModStartupDone to 1

StopQuest MyWeaponsModQuest



So the way this works is the quest is enabled at startup, so it's going to run through its quest script. The quest script adds the weapon to the two form lists then sets a flag (MyWeapModStartupDone) so that it will only run through that code in the script once. Then it stops the quest so that the script doesn't keep running in the background and doing nothing except wasting some CPU time.


Feel free to copy/paste. All you need to do is change the quest name and editor IDs to match your names.

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Yo, I've had a couple of mods I've created that I have meant to add to leveled lists via script so it doesn't conflict with other mods but have been unable to because for whatever reason I don't understand scripting at all so I was wondering if any of ya'll fine people could please teach me in like a really dumbed down way how do I do it or can assist me with that, peace.

Sweet!, you're a prince I can finally do my mods properly thank you so much

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