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Archery Bug


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I have recently been having an archery bug wherein my character is able to fold in half when the bow is drawn. It is extremely game breaking. This bug first happened after I finished The Horn of Jurgen Windcaller quest and mainly manifests itself whenever I exit a loading screen. I've tried reloading previous saves but the problem keeps reoccurring.


I am not sure if this is a mod conflict or if it is a game bug itself. I am wondering if anyone else has had this problem and if so, is there a fix for it? I've a screenshot to better explain the bug.




See how my character is folded right in half, shooting the bow backwards?

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That was a very brief problem with one of the early versions of the Player Headtracking mod. IF you are using that mod, an update may be in order. IF you are not using that mod, then do as deathscythehell suggested and test the skeleton.nif. IF you have any animation mods installed, see what happens with them deactivated and/or uninstalled (if they have loose files you'll need to fully uninstall to do a proper test).


Beyond that.... I'm clueless :P

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