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Trying May just NOT FAIL


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I've been wanting to make a Mod for all of Bethesda's Games...

But for now I'm going to make the Meshes and Textures...

And eventually make it Compatible for Skyrim's use...



The Story:

(The End Stories)

There is only one "True" God But it has no control it only can watch and occasionally "Guide"... But only the fate-less...

I don't want to give the Details away but I wanted to make a massive mod to show my skills in 3D graphics, Writing, and Story telling...


Please (if anyone can) Show me a way to convert my files...

I am Currently using Blender(ver. 2.64) because My comp can no longer handle 3DMax Studio...

I am using Paint.Net For Textures and My editing skills are Pretty Damn good, I just Don't know of ANY FREE Converting tools...

I have The Latest Creation Kit(ver.

Anything else I would need? Anyone know anything? Anyone have good "Actors"?

I want to make a mod that stands out... Making not only my own Plain of being... But something that will be a small amount of what I want to show on MY games...

Ha, KD

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Sounds nice can't wait to see what you come up with. If you are looking for side project I could really use well made light and heavy versions for my ATTK User Interface. Something black with euro reds or blues. With a touch of neon. Something that lights up and makes you want to play with the dials. Maybe we can work something out.


Edit: and a really nice Splash screen :) I've got cash or knowledge take your pick.

Edited by Jason2112
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I really prefer Knowledge over anything... But I'd have to get some concept... And Last time I opened my CK it crashed BAD...

Other than that then yeah I would LOVE to work on anything... So I could get Better...

I like to be Original, so I may use your concept and deliver my own idea with (of course) your's as on option... KD

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