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Planet Mods


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Besides the fact that you would not be able to properly simulate a vacuum or lower gravity, someone would have to make the worldspaces, and some way to get to/from them.


Granted, the worldspaces would be mostly barren deserts, but still, that sounds like a shitload of work.



I think someone tried making a moon mod, but it never went anywhere.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Zorkaz, you could/should totally make an update patch for this Project Lunar!

Looked it over a while back, It's awesome in conception, but it's just so... well, sparse. :mellow:


What it Needs:
1) More rocks/mountains

2) Many more Synth guard/patrols + Atomatron(s)

3) Aliens/UFOs duking it out with the synths on the fringes (don't get caught in the crossfire, there's nowhere to take cover).

(the reason they haven't invaded earth yet= cus they think the Earth is inhabited by these robotic mofo's).

The instutute may have even learned about aliens, thus: this mod's [hidden/untapped] lore.

4) An abandoned (intended) Vault (quest(s), mission(s))... Think: Alien Autopsy.


Nothing overly complicated, entirely canon compatible. :yes:


If anyone is up to this it'd be you! :wink:


Possible Expansion(s):

5) Teleport to an alternate Orbital Vault / Research Station (quests, missions, info)

6) Ancient Ruined civilization.

7) Mars would be about the same thing but red textures.

8) Venus/Uranus Like a wicked bad Glowing Sea Radstorm from Vivid Weathers.

I could/would test, and write for it, (but me no mod so gud just yet). :unsure:

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Bugs I saw were:

1) Floating rocks on earth after teleport -cleared with reload, (perhaps a PCB issue). :pinch:

2) Can't teleport w/out space suit - someone found their way past that.


Be easy to start building on top of it, making it a patch seems the tricky part to me. :pirate:

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