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Any MOD to group soldiers into teams for quick switch?


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Looking for a mod to group soldiers into teams so I can quickly select sets of them. And name them things like Bang Bro's for an all heavy rocket, double nade team....even if its not effective, its just fun.


I'm sorry; that's a fine idea, but it's well beyond modding capabilities. Basically we can modify certain numbers, bring back some stuff that was disabled in vanilla, and rewrite a little code (within limits), but adding new functionality is too difficult.

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I personally colour code my teams of 4. An re-name their nicknames Jade 1, Jade 2 etc depending who got their first. Purple is reserved for my Psi Squad.


Jade Squad, Obsidian Squad, Platinum Squad etc etc. It's always fun to take screenshots when they were Rookies and when they (or what's left of the squad) is kitted out in Plasma/Titan stuff


My Steam Screenshots: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561197970945245/screenshots/


Jade Squad Starting Out: http://cloud-2.steampowered.com/ugc/903235243711627460/98BEDC04E9492510039AFFB1216D5D5358578824/


Jade Squad End-game: http://cloud-2.steampowered.com/ugc/903235243771675751/781C75808787B23D338398B029245089A093B6E4/

Edited by Yzaxtol
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