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Warpaint not showing up.


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Hi all,


I'm currently in the progress of converting my Follower Facelifts into a single ESP using the Creation Kit.


But i ran into a small problem with the warpaints. I have Weathered Warpaint and Improved Dirt by Xenius installed, which prevents the Warpaints from showing up in the CK. As soon as i uninstall it it works fine.


Is there a way to make Weathered Warpaint and Improved Dirt show up in the CK, or is temporarily uninstalling it the only solution?




- Svarog

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  • 3 months later...

I'm having this problem too >_<. I'm trying to use Tairensoul's warpaints. I chose the ones I want, rename them to FemaleHeadWarpaint_01.dds and so on, place them in the right folder, but they just don't show up in the CK. I can see them fine in game, but not the CK >_<. Have you figured this out yet?

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