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Please help none of my oblivion mod are working


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so as the title says none of my mods are working im new to the whole modding thing so i looked up some tutorials and they said to get nexus mod manager and how to move the .esp and meshes , textures to the data file and i did then i opened the mod manager to check the mods and activate them but the mod manager the i downloaded ( the latest version ) looks nothing like the mod manager that the guys on you-tube have. but anyway ive got the mods i want but none of them have been working even after i tick the boxes in mod manager and the data files in the oblivion start up. PLEASE HELP !!!

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Nexus Mod Manager (NMM) will not work with many, if not most, Oblivion Mods. It is unable to understand the folder structure used by many older and more recent Oblivion mods. Read the install instructions in each mod you are trying to install and follow them. If they say use NMM then use NMM. Most will say to either use Oblivion Mod Manager (OBMM) or install manually. Here's a link to a
on using OBMM. Manually installing is a matter of downloading the mod to a temporary folder, extracting it, and then copying the necessary folders and files to your game install. Every mod is different so refer to the mod install instructions (and yes, many of those leave a lot to be desired, so start with simple mods that have good, understandable, complete instructions).
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