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How to make a prisoner NPC stay put?


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I've been thinking of adding a few prisoners to my new Castle Mod.

I started with a generic Leveled Goblin,edited/renamed his base file to make it unique to my mod, removed his weapons and parked him in a locked cell. (door set to very hard, key required)

Upon play testing he's running around the area trying his best to kill me bare-handed! LOL

I'm sure this is a real Noob problem but I AM "Lord of Noobs" when it comes to Oblivion Modding!

I've already created a few other NPCs for other test mods I've worked on after reading some tutorials and I can make them wander, sleep eat.. do a few simple things but I can't find anything

on how to make them stay in a locked room and if the door was unlocked to resume the wander mode!

Do I need to change the AI settings or is a script required? Any tips would be greatly appreciated!


TIA -Tempus

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im a noob myself but i know the aggression is usually what dictates an actor's likelyhood of attacking (theres a box to untick in the AI section). AI behaviours like wander etc can be studied via NPCs already in the game (bandits are good for this) and are easy to put together . I should probably leave this to the pro's but hopefully this might help.
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burb is right, tuning down the aggression should stop the goblin from attacking you. As for resuming the wander package, I think that's automatic, although I'm not to sure. If anyone wants to clarify then be my guest.
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Thanks for these replies! I really don't mind that he attacks me at all.. it's just that he's able to walk right through the locked door to do it! I would prefer that he WANTED to attack me IF I were

to unlock the door FIRST. I've Edited his AI Wander package Radius down to 256, 128,64 then finally

down to 16 and still he's out in the hall ready to fight! Perhaps this can't be done with a Creature

NPC, I'll take Blurbs Idea and try changing my prisoner to a Human Bandit. I've gotta get some of these finer points ironed out before attempting a far more complex task like a ownership quest for my Castle. I've already mapped out this quest in my head, It will be simple and short. One thing

I've learned after years of Modding is to start out thinking small! Oblivion is very different and more complex than games I used to work on and I don't want to doom myself to failure by thinking TOO big!

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