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kvatch rebuilt problem

little timmy

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i have been using KA for a while and decided to give KR a go, the messenger came to be after about a week (game time) and i had to go to Skingrad and talk to the count to get some workers to help rebuild the city and when i talked to Salvian Matius to tell him i got the workers he told me to get some rest and now every time i try to talk to him he just says that kvatch was rebuilt before and we can do it again and nothing else am i missing anything? or should i be talking to some one else?


help extremely appreciated :thanks:

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You have to wait between each stage. Sometimes over a week. The messenger will track you down and let you know when to go back to Kvatch for the next part. Kavatch wasn't built in a day, and it will not be rebuilt overnight. Every time you visit there will be changes visible. A lot of work went into this mod.


All of your questions about the mod are answered in the topic thread on the forum, Here.


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ben i seem to have another problem the messanger came to me again and tells me i have to talk to the head worker cant remember his name but i cant seem to find him anywhere he isn't in his tent and i looked around all of kvatch and cant find him any ideas?



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The only person I remember talking to in Kvatch was Salvian Matius. Try moving KR to near the end of your load order until you finish it. That seems to help on these large multi part quest mods.
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problem is i don't use obmm or anything like that and my computer is out of its monthly internet usage so it has slowed alot download would take along time



just did this part of the quest line, he says meet me out side kvatch, but i fond him asleep in his tent, try looking outside kvatch, or wait till night and he shud be sleeping in his tent

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