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[LE] Detecting when the player uses a scroll - OnItemRemoved


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Hi all. I'm trying to create a script that casts something whenever the player uses a scroll:

Scriptname dinCastOnScrollCast extends ReferenceAlias

event OnItemRemoved(Form akBaseItem, int aiItemCount, ObjectReference akItemReference, ObjectReference akDestContainer)
	if akBaseItem.HasKeyword(VendorItemScroll) && !akDestContainer && !akItemReference && aiItemCount == 1
		dinSpell.Cast(PlayerRef as objectreference, none)

spell property dinSpell auto
actor property PlayerRef auto
keyword property VendorItemScroll auto 

It works just fine except for the fact that it only triggers when the scroll used is the last scroll of its type in the player's inventory. If I have 5 scrolls of the same type, the first four casts do nothing, but the final cast will have the desired effect. How can I ensure that the effect will trigger for each scroll in a stack, not just the last?

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I have, yes. I've tried just about every configuration I could think of.


Another thing is that I'm able to get the event to trigger correctly if I remove the scrolls by dropping them on the ground individually.

It seems that casting the scrolls doesn't necessarily "remove" them in the same way that dropping them does.

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Instead of OnItemRemoved() you could just use OnSpellCast() this event will fire for scrolls


something like this could work for you

Keyword Property VendorItemScroll Auto 
int iScrollCount = 0

Event OnObjectEquipped(Form akBase, ObjectReference akRef)
	if akBase.HasKeyword(VendorItemScroll)
		iScrollCount += 1
		if iScrollCount > 0 && GetState() == ""

Event OnObjectUnequipped(Form akBase, ObjectReference akRef)
	if akBase.HasKeyword(VendorItemScroll)
		iScrollCount -= 1
		if  iScrollCount == 0 && GetState() == "ScrollState"

State ScrollState
	Event OnSpellCast(Form akSpell)
		if akSpell.HasKeyword(VendorItemScroll)
			;do stuff here

Note that you could just use OnSpellCast() alone but i added in some state tracking so you don't overrun the papyrus engine by checking everey spell cast but only when the player has actually equipped a scroll.

The OnObjectUnequipped() event will fire when the player used up all spells/scrolls in the equipped slot

Edited by testiger2
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I would never have known to do all that with the state tracking, thank you! Regarding the OnSpellCast() event, that's what I tried to use at first, but to no avail. I am able to trigger the OnSpellCast() event with spells, but not with scrolls.


When I use

event OnSpellCast(Form akSpell)
   if akSpell.HasKeyword(MagicInfluence)
      ;do stuff here

I am able to trigger the event with a spell like Fury which has the "MagicInfluence" keyword. If I then use the Fury scroll which has the same keyword, it ceases to work.


Typing player.SpellHasKeyword right MagicInfluence in the console with the scroll equipped returns 1, as does player.SpellHasKeyword right VendorItemScroll. When the OnSpellCast() event is properly triggered by a spell with the "MagicInfluence" keyword, but not by the scroll with the same keyword, I reasoned that OnSpellCast() does not check scrolls. I hope I'm wrong, but I've knocked my head against this problem for hours. The wiki page on OnSpellCast() says:


"Can be Spell, Enchantment, Potion, or Ingredient"


After that I tried using OnItemRemoved() to minimal success.

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Well i found out that even though OnSpellCast() fires from using scrolls it will always receive a 'none' as the argument.

So you can't just use it the regular way.

i created a workaround using GetItemCount(). Its an unelegant solution , dirty, i would dare to call it filthy, but it should work (not tested it though)



Actor Property PlayerRef Auto
Formlist Property usedScrollsFLST Auto ; create this and give unique name in the CK

Form[] usedScrollsArr
int[] usedScrollCount
int iCurrScrollCount = 0

Event OnInit()
    usedScrollsArr = new Form[4] ;4possible quip types
    usedScrollCount = new int[4]

Event OnObjectEquipped(Form akBase, ObjectReference akRef)
    if akBase as scroll
        int i = usedScrollsArr.Find(akBase)
        if i < 0
            i = usedScrollsArr.Find(none)
        usedScrollsArr[i] = akBase
        usedScrollCount[i] = usedScrollCount[i] + 1
        iCurrScrollCount = PlayerRef.GetItemCount(usedScrollsFLST)
        if usedScrollsFLST.GetSize() > 0 && GetState() == ""

Event OnObjectUnequipped(Form akBase, ObjectReference akRef)
    if akBase as scroll
        Utility.Wait(0.1) ;give OnSpellCast() time to fire
        int i = usedScrollsArr.Find(akBase)
        if i >= 0
            usedScrollCount[i] = usedScrollCount[i] - 1
            if usedScrollCount[i] == 0
                usedScrollsArr[i] = none
        if  usedScrollsFLST.GetSize() == 0 && GetState() == "ScrollState"

State ScrollState
    Event OnSpellCast(Form akSpell)
        int iOldCnt = iCurrScrollCount
        iCurrScrollCount = PlayerRef.GetItemCount(usedScrollsFLST)
        if iOldCnt > iCurrScrollCount ; we casted a scroll
            ;do stuff here



Because of DualWiedling and because of a bug in IsEquipped() that doesn't let you track items in the off hand properly(yeah why would anything work like its supoosed to...) i created this array setup that should in theory respect and track dualwielding the same or different kind of scrolls properly

Edited by testiger2
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