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Graphics problem any help?


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started playing skyrim again today after a break from it, and these green triangle things (I can't really find another way of describing them) appear whenever I'm outside, I've tried uninstalling and reinstalling it, but it hasn't made a difference, I've even tried downloading it again. It was fine before but since starting again there's been a problem. Any help would be much appreciated! I've updated it to the most recent version too. There are some screenshots http://imgur.com/ZZAJ37q,Lch5tHc,OFe3dFz,8sbiBEH,mCaFASr,GYu0b2b#0


Thanks :)


Aplogies for posting this twice I didn't realise there was a technical help forum!

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  • 4 months later...

It's called "artifacting", and while there are many things that can cause it, it's most often the first symptom of a dying video card. Especially in your case, since you said you've already performed an uninstall/reinstall. I'm assuming you tried a clean (no mod) install as well? If you still get the artifacting issue with just vanilla Skyrim, you most likely need to hit up newegg or tigerdirect.

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Before dropping a wad of cash on a new card, check the temperatures. If you are running hot on your video card, it can just be a build up of dust in the fan and air channels of the card .


Here is some spring cleaning advice. http://s1.zetaboards.com/bbenlibrary/topic/3396114/1/#new

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