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Halo + Fallout =


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It'll be done when its done, and sadly thats not yet, or anytime soon =/


But it will be done, and when it is, it will be good. And worth the wait, just like a warm batch of choco-cookies, just like mom made 'em

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mmm im really looking forward to this but im wondering what kind of mods theres going to be when i get the net back since im moving out next sunday give or take a day or two and i wont have the net for a while after things will probably have gotten quite interesting one things for sure this will be the first mod i look for
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i dont want to be anoying but i need to ask this i didnt ask in the other post because i forgoted...this mod will create faction?? or something that have quests because iff you are the only one who can play with the armor will be kind of sad :( i want to see people with the armor like soldiers that would be great :D and some missions that you play with the halo soldiers that would be awesome :) looking forward to this mod
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atm the scope of this mod is more of a mini mod. Random Encounter a crashed escape pod or (rarely) crashed pelican. Corpses of space marines and if you are lucky a dead Spartan soldier with armor. (if you are very lucky he'll have a helmet with an intact visor and it wont be smashed out :)


no plans on making factions or anything for this mod...


so far assets are as follows:


Pelican drop ship

Bublebee Escape pods (2, one prisine, 1 damaged)

3, possibly 4 human UNSC uniforms. (Marine, Marine w/ webbing, Officer dress uniform, pilot(?))

Mjolnir power armor

Mjolnir power helmet (w/ broken visor)

Mjolnir power helmet (visor intact)


at present no weapons were planned to be implemented from halo, but it was something to be looked into nearing the end once more content was added and functional. (a possibility)

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