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Halo + Fallout =


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Wow! Just Wow! I just read the last few pages of this thread, and I got to tell you, that deelekgolo guy is one arrogant SOB. I’m not going to on and on in defense of Skree. He did a great job of defending himself, but I would like to point something out. As impressive as that model deelekgolo posted may look. It is far from perfect. I don’t claim to be an artist or a macdaddy 3d modeler, but to me that mesh looks slightly out of proportion, the hips especially. They almost look girlish in fact. Anyway I just wanted to congratulate Skree on all the work he’s done so far. I tip my hat to you sir. Anyone who thinks this stuff is easy should give it a try. And as for the argument on making all these models from scratch, LOL, There is a reason why it takes a team of artist months even years to make these games.
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eagerly anticipating this mod.

Yeah, a blue variant would kick a$$ because my character's name is caboose and my evil character is O'malley :P

Keep up the good work!



Just noticed something. The back of the helmet seemed open in the pics on the first page. Are you going to fix that, or are we going to have to deal with seeing our characters hair stick out of the helmet?



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eagerly anticipating this mod.

Yeah, a blue variant would kick a$$ because my character's name is caboose and my evil character is O'malley :P

Keep up the good work!



Just noticed something. The back of the helmet seemed open in the pics on the first page. Are you going to fix that, or are we going to have to deal with seeing our characters hair stick out of the helmet?




Heya, the helmet was left open on purpose for 2 reasons:


1. i was thinking about a setup inwhich the helmet was 'broken', the players hair would protrude and it would give a feeling of 'being salvaged' from the wasteland. (like that pic of the raider wearing a broken power helmet). I was considering making a version with no hair sticking out and probably still will, because hair is unpredictable and its best if you just remove the hair altogether with a helmet.


2. The nature of the Mjolnir armor is that the neck-area requires a jumpsuit-type texture to meet with the head, since the helmets are not removeable in Halo, but would be in our game, so im working on (its not really that hard) capping off the suit at the bottom of the ear and front of the chin where the Mjolnir under-suit would end and the helmet would begin.


Its just a matter of deciding where one element ends and the other begins, because if you put the helmet on, you dont want the helmet to have this black-neck-fabric crap that sticks downward and looks strange because it doesnt go anywhere. (thats how it was on the halo models) so have to just make the helmet a separate mesh completely.


Ill see if i can get the Halo2 mjolnir helmet some loving this weekend maybe release it if theres interested parties

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If I remember correctly, the Halo-games timeline is around 2255 and FO 3 is 2277.

But who cares? I want MJOLNIR and ODST suits!



Well, when I was younger, there was talk for Star Trek: Next Generation would hit a space distortion that threw them into another dimension, namely the Star Wars Universe... and of course it never happened if it did I would have laughed so hard. Hell, if you look at the Farscape series, Wormholes aren't just a way to get around the galaxy. They could be doors into alternate realities and times. I'd suggest making the UNSC think that the Covenant had reached Earth and they possibly nuked themselves in order to stop them (or the Flood if you UNSC have gotten to that point in time) and they soon realize this is not true. I would LOVE to see something like that. I am sure that the football nukes from First Strike the book would go well into Fallout.


My suggestion for any kind of quest line would be like have the UNSC be at odds whether the Enclave or the BoS is the right way to go. If you ever create any Covenant or Flood come along with them that would be awesome too. But, have there ship be fixable so they can get back home... I guess that would be a good way to have a quest chain.


"Oh NO! The Enclave are actually EVIL and they are stole our (insert special item to the ship), what ever shall we do?" Leave it to the Wastelanders to help you. MUHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!

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This isnt really Halo related, but heres what ive been up to lately, really slacked off this past weekend because it was our first break after 1st-milestone crunch, and i needed to relax lol.


Heres a model im workign on right now for a contest that ends on the 13th from another forum. I dont get too much free time due to work being hella busy, and since this contest

ends soon I wanted to push to get that done before any more of my Fallout mods go further. Hope you guys understand!





When shes done ill add her to the fallout universe as a new model, maybe even use her base mesh as a new nude body mod. *shrugs*


Her main geometry was salvaged from 2 other models that I made from scratch last year, all 100% original. (heres the 2 models (also made by me 100% entirely) that I ripped the geometry off and reconstructed/revised:

(youll notice the chick with the red jacket is wearing the outfit from my 'female wastelander outfit' that I posted a few months ago. That outfit i ripped off her and slapped on the fallout 3 model (took quite alot of tweaking since my chick is kind of ... voluptuous-er, and the fallout3 chicks are... emaciated at best.. =(


(the other chick shown is an un-named space marine which was the first 3d character id ever made. Shes from back round 2006ish? Before I learned how to high-poly model armor details, also before I learned about zbrush etc. (so her armor is pretty lackluster, complexity-wise...) was my first model gimme a break lol.


Base head,neck,shoulders ripped from Kate:

http://www.kolcrosbie.com/Renders/Kate.jpg http://www.kolcrosbie.com/Renders/Kate02s.jpg


Base pelvis, buttocks and thighs from:

http://www.kolcrosbie.com/eVIL2a.jpg http://www.kolcrosbie.com/eVIL5.jpg


I use the terms 'ripping' because thats what i do, i rip up my OWN models too, hack em to pieces and put them together again in other ways. Hopefully we can disassociate the term 'ripping' from something unscrupulous. Ripping isnt always from OTHEr peoples things :) These are my own models here.


anyways take care guys seeyas soon! Gotta sleep :-)

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Too bad its female D=....i never use female characters...but man that looks awesome especially the gun



..... what? sacrilege!!! .. all the greatest games we know and love have a long history of guys playing girl characters... ... I read it for the articles however, of course... *cough*

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